“Choose Life” Commemorative Stamp Effort

Population Research Institute is joining with the International Organization for the Family (IOF), Human Life International, and Heartbeat International to petition the United States Postal Service (USPS) to issue a special commemorative “Choose Life” stamp.

All you need to do is go to the CitizenGo petition  and add your signature.  If everyone who receives the Weekly Briefing does this, we will add tens of thousands signatories!    

Imagine the impact of a pro-life stamp! Many people will buy hundreds of these stamps and put them on letters to friends, Christmas cards, and other mailings. I know we at PRI will.

And the timing couldn’t be better.  This year marks the 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae. What better way to celebrate this historic Church document and its timeless reaffirmation of the sanctity of every human life and its warning against the evils of contraception and abortion.

Here’s how the process works: Our petition–with your signature–will go to the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee of the USPS.  Each year the Committee receives tens of thousands of stamp proposals, so how can we make sure that “Choose Life” is one of the 40 or so commemorative stamps are issued each year?

The process is mostly a numbers game.  The stamps that are issued have broad popular support.  That’s why it’s so important that we gather as many signatures as possible.

We will tell the Committee that there has never been a stamp honoring the sanctity of Life, even though an 8-cent stamp promoting “family planning” was issued in the 1970s.

We will remind the Committee that a Choose Life stamp is needed to counter assaults on Life around the globe. Birth rates are everywhere in decline, while each year there are some 56 million abortions, 1 million in the U.S. alone.

We will tell the Committee that the stamp’s message mirrors the great promise of the  Declaration of Independence, which proclaims “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” to be “unalienable rights” of mankind.

Our movement is gaining momentum.  Among those who has endorsed this effort by PRI and IOF is Russ Amerling, the founder of the popular  “Choose Life” license plate campaign. Cars in 32 states now proudly display “Choose Life” license plates.

Join us. Go online now and sign the petition as soon as possible

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