Steven W. Mosher to Head PRI

Steven W Mosher will become Director of the Population Research Institute in November, replacing the outgoing Director, Jean M. Guilfoyle.

“I am delighted to be joining PRI, which has a unique and important place among the organizations which monitor and report on international population control programs,” Mosher said. “PRI’s accurate research, presented in hard-hitting publications, serve as an important check on the designs of the radical population control movement, whose misanthropic goals are inimical to the interests of women, children and families worldwide. China’s program of forced abortions and sterilizations is the chief example of this, but similar violations of human rights occur in many countries worldwide. Under my direction, PRI will continue to be the principal voice pointing out not only these abuses, but also the underlying fallacy of sacrificing needed economic development for wasteful and inhumane population control programs.”

Mosher comes to PRI from a long career of research and writing on family demographic issues. In l977 he began an investigation of the demographics of rural Taiwanese communities that later became the basis for the doctoral dissertation he submitted to Stanford University. Two years later he became the first American social scientist to conduct extensive research in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), observing first hand the brutal way that country was enforcing its newly announced one-child policy. His best-selling A Mother’s Ordeal: One Woman’s Fight Against China’s One-Child Policy, published by Harcourt Brace Javonovich in 1993, leaves no doubt of the continuous human suffering that policy continues to cause 15 years after its inception. Despite Mosher’s exhaustive chronicling of these abuses, the PRC remains the darling of the international population control bureaucrats (see story on page 4). In large part because of this international support, the PRC has refused to modify its policy. even though it has led to the rapid destruction of the traditional Chinese family and its replacement by a society where men will greatly outnumber women.

Mosher’s other books include China Misperceived: American illusions and Chinese Reality (Harper Collins, 1990), Journey to the Forbidden China (MacMillan, 1985) and Broken Earth: the Rural Chinese (MacMillan, 1983). His articles on such topics as population control and female infanticide have appeared in such publications as the Reader’s Digest, the New Republic, National Review ; Reason, The Asian Wall Street, Freedom Review and the Ladies Home Journal .

Mosher completed all the requirements for his doctorate in Cultural Anthropology from Stanford University, which was denied him after the PRC complained about his research and publications. He holds two Masters Degrees from Stanford University in Cultural Anthropology and East Asian Studies, and Bachelors and Masters degrees in Biological Oceanography from the University of Washington. He is married and the father of seven children.

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