PRI Insider (Volume 3, Issue 43) October 27

In This Issue:

  • UN Misdeeds
    • Dialogue Goes South
    • Abortion Referenced 27x
    • Changing Minds


PRI in the Media

Elites Try to Eliminate: You may assume that the U.S. government is the biggest funder of anti-people population control programs in the world, but that assumption is incorrect. A small group of the world’s wealthiest individuals and their foundations collectively fronts more money for the abortion, sterilization, and contraception of the human race than Washington. And at the forefront of these efforts is Warren Buffet. In fact, Buffet may be the single largest funder of abortion in human history. He provided funds for the development of both RU486, the deadly abortion drug, and quinacrine hydrochloride, a drug used for painful chemical sterilizations in third-world countries. One of his favorite charities is International Projects Assistance Services (IPAS), which is the principal manufacturer of manual vacuum aspirators. Allegedly, Buffet’s obsession with eliminating little humans results from “a Malthusian dread that overpopulation (will) aggravate problems in all other areas – such as food, housing, even human survival.” It is unacceptable that he would rather fund ways to harm women and kill the unborn, than fund actual solutions to these issues.

A New Cold War: The Chinese Communist Party has a way of being involved in any major conflict occurring in the world. And the Israel-Hamas War is no exception. In fact, the CCP hasn’t been shy about its support of the violent terrorist group, Hamas. This support of the Middle Eastern conflict may be a part of a bigger plan though. Indeed, from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to Hamas’ massacre in Israel to Beijing’s support of the brutal military junta in Myanmar, China is aggressively cultivating a new Cold War pitting the CCP — along with its surrogates and proxies — against the West. One expert, Frank Gaffney, believes that “The Chinese Communist Party was consulted about and quite possibly actually greenlighted the murderous Russian and jihadist invasions that now constitute two fronts in what may be heading the world into a larger conflict.”


Deepening Depopulation

Decline’s Domino Effect: As the United States birth rate continues to decline, demographers warn of the calamitous economic effects this decline will trigger. According to CDC data, between 2007 and 2022, the U.S. birth rate fell by 22%. Not a single state reported an increase in birth rates, although some experienced a slower decline than others. Demographic strategist Bradley Schurman shared that, “Today, three-quarters of U.S. counties and half of the states have deaths outpacing births.” This ultimately translates to fewer workers and consumers, and less entrepreneurial activity in the nation. As population growth falters, so does the potential for economic growth. 

The Flood of Migrants: This fiscal year, Joe Biden’s deputies let in nearly as many migrants as new Americans were born. According to recently released federal data, roughly 3.5 million economic migrants crossed the southern border during the government’s October-to-September budget year. In comparison, 3.67 million Americans were born during the matching 12-month period in 2022, including 400,000 births to illegal immigrants. This increase in immigration has directly caused economic issues. New migrants are pricing Americans out of housing, contributing to falling wages, and increasing job competition for the 3 million American youths who have recently graduated high school.  An increase in immigration also masks the devastatingly-low birth rate in the United States.


Communist China

An Indoctrination Institution: The CCP has established yet another institution to force Xi Jinping’s will on the Chinese people. The Research Centre of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture was announced as a permanent institution at the National Conference on Propaganda, Ideology and Culture. As influential CCP ideologue Deng Yuwen shared with the media, the aim of this new institution can be broken down into two parts: The first is to “tie Marxism to Chinese cultural roots so that the Party’s ideology can gain better acceptance among the Chinese people.” While the second Deng Yuwen described as “fending off the Western countries’ values and cutting off their influence.” These two goals work in tandem as Xi Jinping continues to force communism on the Chinese people and destroy any seeds of democracy that may have taken hold there. 

“The Chinese people are being told that they can forget about Marx, Lenin, and even Mao Zedong,” says Mr. Mosher. “The so-called Thought of Xi Jinping–a collection of second-rate epigrams–should now be their sole focus. Coming soon: they will be required to offer a pinch of incense to their new god-emperor.”


UN Misdeeds

Dialogue Goes South: This month, the UN Human Rights Committee conducted its fifth  periodic report on U.S. compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. What was supposed to be a dialogue on a number of issues turned into a critique of the U.S. for the status of abortion law in the wake of Roe v. Wade’s overturn. The committee that reviews compliance with the treaty urged the U.S. to remove all laws restricting abortion and laws protecting the conscience rights of healthcare workers who object to participating in abortion. During this review, the committee also inquired as to whether or not the U.S. would reinstate a national right to abortion. One member of the committee went so far as to say that American women had been deprived of safe and legal abortion services, and that this was a form of cruel and degrading treatment. This obviously pro-abortion committee operates on the incorrect assumption that abortion is a human right. It also ignores the democratic process of the U.S. which allows the people to vote in pro-life policies in their states, and would rather impose the ability to kill unborn babies on the American public as a whole.  

Abortion Referenced 27x: Yet another UN committee has made it abundantly clear that it believes women cannot succeed without abortion.  To commemorate the International Day of the Girl Child, a UN treaty body has released a statement mentioning abortion 27 times as the most important factor for the well-being and development of young girls. The Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) says that unless young girls have access to abortion, they cannot lead a fulfilling life or reach their full potential. These experts say that unless widespread abortion access is secured, a discussion of any other rights may be worthless. CEDAW also claims that “access…to safe and quality abortion is a human right under international law, and especially crucial for girls,” despite there being no UN resolution or treaty that has ever considered abortion a human right. 

“The practice of child sacrifice–also known as abortion–disproportionately harms girls,” says Mr. Mosher. “As many as 200 million unborn baby girls have been aborted for the sole reason of their sex, most in China and India, but in many other countries as well. Anyone who thinks that what girl children need is more abortion must be totally blind to this brutal reality.”


Science Gone Mad

An Unfortunate Update: The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) is considering a new definition of infertility that would include LGBT couples and single individuals as “infertile.” Infertility was previously defined by the ASRM as “when a man and woman can’t get pregnant after a year of unprotected intercourse or intrauterine insemination.” The group’s new definition would include “The inability to get pregnant because of the patient’s medical, sexual and reproductive history, age, physical findings and diagnostic testing” and “The need for medical intervention such as donor eggs or sperm to achieve pregnancy.” This would lead to insurance companies covering fertility treatments, many of which are immoral, for a broader group of people. If this definition is approved and has the intended effect of broadening insurance coverage, the creation of and experimentation on embryos—little human lives—will promptly increase. 

“Welcome to the wild, wacko world of reproductive technology, whose practitioners are about to declare that two men (or two women) in a homosexual relationship are ‘infertile’,” says Mr. Mosher. “I could have told them that, along with the fact that the sky is blue and grass is green, if they were confused about that as well. They are interested in a different kind of green, of course, the huge sums of money they will charge for combining pluripotent stem cells from the two partners to create what they call a pseudo-embryo, which will then be implanted in a rented womb.”  


Pro-life Around the World

Immorality Uncovered: The Lepanto Institute has announced the results of its investigation into the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS). After lengthy research, the Institute uncovered that directly and through its partnerships, JRS promotes and provides contraception, supports Planned Parenthood sex-education programs, and is pushing a homosexualist agenda. This means the ministry is not safe for Catholic giving, because its actions violate Catholic moral teaching. The Lepanto Institute documented offenses from locations around the world, including Latin America, the Caribbean, the United States, Australia, and Asia Pacific. 

MAID Set to Expand: Canada’s medically assisted dying (MAID) law is due to expand in March 2024. One facet of this expansion is that mental health patients with no physical issues will be able to seek assisted suicide. This includes individuals who struggle with substance abuse disorders. The lead physician defending this move and presenting a framework for evaluating these individuals for MAID eligibility has justified his actions with the claim that “it has to do with treating people equally.” In Dr. David Martell’s eyes, all individuals with any kind of ailment, physical or mental, should have an equal right to kill themselves. His dark view is an intrinsically immoral one. The number of Canadians that have been euthanized has dramatically increased in the last few years and it is expected that those numbers will continue to go up with this expansion.     

Pope Praises LGBT Advocate: Last Tuesday, Pope Francis met with  Sister Jeannine Gramick, whose long history of LGBT and abortion advocacy previously earned her condemnation and censure from the Vatican. There was no press release and the only information available on this visit was released by the New Ways Ministry (NWM) of which Sister Jeannine was a co-founder. During their meeting, Sister Jeannine thanked the Pope for his openness to blessing same-sex unions and his opposition to the criminalization of LGBTQ+ people in civil society. Apparently, Sister Jeannine has been corresponding with Pope Francis for over two years, during which time the pope called her a “valiant woman” and sent her a handwritten note congratulating her on 50 years of LGBTQ+ ministry. It is difficult to discern why the Holy Father has chosen to praise an individual who advocates for actions that are clearly immoral according to Catholic teaching.  


Pro-Life on the Home Front

Support Gets Twisted: In December 0f 2022, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) backed the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA). This occurred in spite of warnings from pro-life groups, which even asked the bishops to rescind their backing after the fact. CatholicVote voiced concerns that the PWFA’s implementation would inevitably force Catholic employers to accommodate abortions. Unfortunately, this is exactly what has happened. Not only did pro-abortion groups use the USCCB’s backing to push through the legislation’s controversial abortion provisions, but now the Biden administration’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is using PWFA to enforce an abortion mandate on employers. The bishops realized their mistake and publicly objected to this mandate, but much of the damage was already done. 

A Thorough Travel Ban: This week, a Texas county became the largest yet in the state to enact a so-called “abortion travel ban” in its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court of Lubbock County voted on Monday to pass an ordinance “outlawing abortion within the unincorporated area of Lubbock County” and declaring the district “a sanctuary county for the unborn.” The measure forbids anyone from “knowingly transport[ing] any individual for the purpose of providing or obtaining an elective abortion.” This applies whether the transport “begins, ends, or passes through the unincorporated area of Lubbock County.” Furthermore, it applies to aiding and abetting in procuring an abortion, including “offering, providing, or lending money, digital currency, or other resources.”


Good News

Changing Minds: The Center for Bioethical Reform (CBR) UK caused a stir by re-releasing a video from 2019, where they interviewed random individuals on a city street about their views on abortion. All the individuals held a pro-choice stance at first, but that changed after they saw footage of actual medical abortions. The reality of abortion on babies between 10 and 24 weeks caused individuals to change their stance from pro-choice to pro-life on the spot. CBR UK isn’t an expressly Christian organization, yet one of its goals is “to educate society on the humanity of the unborn child and the reality of abortion.” Since many of its members are Christian, the following statement of faith is also listed on its website: 

“We believe that every human being, from the point of fertilization, is created in the image of God and is therefore utterly precious, regardless of sex, skin color, strength, circumstance, abilities, wantedness. Every person is so valuable in God’s eyes that they were worth dying for.

“The good news of Jesus is that there is forgiveness for everyone who turns to Christ, because of his death for us on the cross. Abortion is not unforgivable, and mercy graciously extends to all who turn to Christ in repentance.”


Quote of the Week

“In God’s eyes, the embryo in the womb has the same dignity as the elite athlete; the elderly person with dementia is no less valuable than the Rhodes Scholar; the child with Downs syndrome has no less worth than a child prodigy. Each and every human life is sacred, not because of what we can do or produce, but because we are a child of God.”

~ Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, source

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