PRI Insider (Volume 3, Issue 16) April 21

In This Issue: 

  • Communist China
    • Sperm Banks Fall Behind
    • Thailand Steps Up IVF
    • Children or Property
  • UN Misdeeds
    • Online “Violence”
    • An Unsurprising Response
    • Unprotected Minors


PRI in the Media

On the World Over: PRI President Steven Mosher joined Raymond Arroyo on The World Over last week to discuss recent events in China. The broken Sino-Vatican agreement was one topic. But new concerns include the CCP’s simultaneous increase in aggression against Taiwan and the formation of troubling alliances around the world. 

No President Pompeo: Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has announced that he will not be running for president in 2024. But shared that in future races, he may consider running. As PRI President Mosher shared in his 2021 speech, Pompeo was “the most pro-life Secretary of State in recent American history.” It remains to be seen if one day he will set the bar as the most pro-life president. 

Pushing for MVAs: A pro-abortion group, MYA Network, is pushing for the use of Manual Vacuum Aspirators (MVAs) around the United States. These are handheld devices used to manually suction a baby, between 3 and 14 weeks gestation, from his or her mother’s womb. PRI has documented the use of these devices in developing nations, where their use, and misuse, lead to painful procedures and the spread of infections.


COVID Controversy

Not Once But Twice: A new U.S. Senate report on the origins of COVID-19 provides further vindication for PRI President Steven Mosher’s lab leak theory. According to the report, the virus leaked from the Wuhan lab, not once but twice in 2019.   

“As one of the first to determine that the Wuhan lab was the source of the Covid-19 Virus,” says Mr. Mosher, “my immediate response is to say, ‘What took you so long.’ It was obvious from the get-go that the virus was engineered in a lab.  It was equally obvious that the infamous Dr. Anthony Fauci of pandemic fame was engaged in a cover-up, defaming those of us who pointed to the lab as ‘conspiracy theorists.’” 

An Unequal Drop: The COVID pandemic saw the biggest drop in U.S. births overall in fifty years. But not every state was affected equally. Looking at each state, researchers are admitting that the economic and political consequences of the pandemic were more harmful to births than actual cases of the disease. 


Deepening Depopulation

A Crumbling Civilization: In an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Musk predicted that modern civilization will “crumble” if the birth dearth does not correct itself soon. “If we don’t make enough people to at least sustain our numbers, perhaps increase a little bit, then civilization’s gonna crumble,” said Musk. “Does this, the old question of will civilization end with a bang or a whimper? Well, it’s currently trying to end with a whimper in adult diapers, which is depressing as hell.”

“Elon Musk is certainly doing his part to stave off population decline,” said PRI President Steve Mosher. “Like yours truly, he has nine children.  More importantly, his opinions serve as a counterweight to the opinions of what I call the Billionaire Boys Club. Self-absorbed billionaires like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates have harangued us for decades–and spent hundreds of millions of dollars–in an effort to drive the birth rate down further.  It is nice to know that we have America’s foremost entrepreneur, the owner of SpaceX, Tesla, and Twitter on our side, at least rhetorically.”

The Baby Bust: As mentioned above, the U.S. birth rate hit a new low, 1.6, in 2020 and has not yet recovered. With future “economic devastation” on the line, experts are searching for the reasons behind why there aren’t enough babies anymore. 

PRI President Steven Mosher says, “This story leaves out the biggest reason for America’s baby bust–the 65 million babies that have been aborted since Roe v. Wade, along with the babies (and grandbabies) those 65 million would have had if they’d been allowed to live and grow up. No mention of sterilization or contraception either.”

More Siblings, Less Divorce: Researchers from Ohio State University have found a link between growing up with siblings and a decreased risk of divorce. For an individual, each additional sibling roughly decreases their chance of getting divorced in the future by 11%. The researchers theorize that this is due to individuals learning the ability to manage long-term, close relationships through their siblings. 

“The dynamics of large families are wonderful,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “And adult siblings provide a support network for each other in difficult times that help to, among other things, avert marital breakups.”

Happy, Healthy Wives: The practice of marriage may be on the decline in the U.S., but its benefits remain high as ever. A new study from Harvard shows that married women are happier and healthier than their unmarried, and divorced, counterparts. 

“Marriage provides benefits to both sexes,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “This is why married men live longer than their single counterparts, for which they should thank their wives every day. If you needed more proof that marriage was divinely ordained by God to increase human well-being, here it is, for both men and women.”


Communist China

Sperm Banks Fall Behind: Assisted reproductive technology is China’s plan B to solve its demographic crisis. But their facilities, especially sperm banks, won’t be able to keep up. Since the pandemic, China’s sperm banks are running short of donations. In a desperate bid, many institutes are offering thousands of yuan for genetic material.  

Thailand Steps Up IVF: In response to China’s population problem, Thailand is stepping up its reproductive technology game. The country aims to draw in Chinese medical tourism through more doctors and wellness packages at a relatively low cost. 

Children or Property: A Chinese economist was on the receiving end of backlash for his comments on having children. The economist, Chen Wenling, encouraged couples to reproduce by comparing children to “durable consumer goods that you pay off over the long haul, but bring far more benefits.” Online, Chinese citizens rebelled against the comparison of people to private property. 


UN Misdeeds

Online “Violence”: The UN General Assembly has never acknowledged abortion as a human right. But the UN Human Rights Commission continues to pretend that it is. The Commission is also asserting that restricting access to abortion online is a form of violence. 

An Unsurprising Response: In response to the case against mifepristone, the World Health Organization “voiced concern” over access to abortion in the United States. The U.N. agency took a predictable pro-abortion stance, advocating for access to “safe” abortion services.   

Unprotected Minors: A new U.N. report pushes for the global decriminalization of drug use and sexual activity. Among the many shocking prescriptions in the report, the 8 March principles state that “consensual” sex between adults and minors should not be criminal. This completely undermines the fact that minors cannot truly consent. 


Science Gone Mad

Sorted Swimmers: In Vitro Fertilization is often seen as a fool-proof plan to solve infertility However, besides being an illicit way to create life, it is a gamble that involves many failed attempts. Now, Australian scientists have developed a new “sperm-sorting” technology to identify and use only the strongest swimmers. This process approaches new life with a dangerously eugenic mindset before conception has even occurred.

Extending limits: Around the world, embryo development is limited to 14 days. But this may be changing. The Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA) is currently reviewing the laws on fertility treatment regulation and embryo research. Within this, the HFEA has opened a consultation to change the current laws and expand embryo research.  


Pro-Life Around the World

Death for Kids: The Netherlands saw a record number of euthanasia deaths last year, but still the Dutch government is taking it further. By next year, it will be legal for children between 5 and 12 to obtain lethal injections as a “viable option” to end their lives in cases of “hopeless and unbearable suffering.” 


Pro-Life on the Home Front

Hearing the Heartbeat: Last week, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the Heartbeat Protection Act into law. But the bill faces one last hurdle. The Florida Supreme Court is still considering last year’s challenge to the 15-week ban. If this ban is upheld, then the heartbeat bill will go into effect.  

Lifesaving Bills Vetoed: The governors of both Kansas and Arizona recently vetoed Born Alive bills. These bills would have required medical care for babies born alive during the abortion procedure. Kansas Gov. Kelly called the bill “unnecessary” and “misleading.” While Arizona Gov. Hobbs turned down the bill on the grounds that it may interfere with the “reproductive rights of Arizonans.”   

Clinic Continues to Save Lives: Colorado put into place the nation’s first abortion reversal pill ban. But one pro-life clinic received a temporary exemption from this pro-death ban. The clinic, Bella Health and Wellness, challenged the ban as soon as it was put in place. They continue to provide progesterone treatments for women who change their minds about chemically aborting their babies. 

Extreme Bill Passes: Republican leaders in Oregon are speaking out against a House bill passed last Thursday. They shared that the bill is the “most extreme abortion and gender-altering legislation in our nation’s history.” The bill would allow minors, as young as ten-years-old, to acquire an abortion without parental knowledge or consent.  


Good News

Freed Chinese: Sixty-three Chinese Christians have escaped the clutches of the CCP. The group, unofficially called the “Mayflower Church,” escaped China in 2019. After a temporary stay in South Korea and imprisonment in Thailand, the group finally made it to the United States. Here, supported by church communities, they will be settled into homes in Texas. 


Quote of the Week

“Abortion is never the right choice for a difficult or unexpected pregnancy, as it always ends one life and risks another. We pray ardently that our nation will authentically support and accompany women, so that ending the lives of their children alone in their own homes will be unthinkable.”

~ Archbishop Michael Burbidge, source

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