PRI Insider (Volume 3, Issue 10) March 10

In This Issue: 

  • Communist China
    • Bride Price Drops
    • Anti-Marriage Backlash
    • Digital Development
  • UN Misdeeds
    • Activists Demand Intervention
    • Turk Raises Concerns


PRI in the Media

The China Virus Truth: Not for the first time, PRI President Steven Mosher was vindicated for sharing the truth about China. But though the lab leak theory was proven true, many remain silent after this revelation, including President Biden. The exact number of millions that the Biden family has received from China is unknown, but the ties are undeniable. 

PRI President Steven Mosher says, “Our own censorship regime—the so-called ‘public-private partnership’ that I call the information-industrial complex—is coming to resemble China’s. It must be stopped.”

Fauci’s Power Plays: Again and again, Anthony Fauci put his own interests ahead of the American people during the pandemic. He desperately tried to cover his tracks using money and connections, most notably with Big Tech. Now after years of censoring any lab leak theorists, including PRI President Mosher, Fauci claims to have an “open mind” to this origin.


COVID Controversy

Shocking US Data: A study examining government data revealed the shocking effects of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccinations. Compared to the flu vaccine, the mRNA vaccines produce a 57-fold increase in miscarriages, a 38-fold increase in stillbirths, and a 1200-fold increase in menstrual abnormalities. 

Dr. James Thorp stated, “The pushing of these experimental COVID-19 vaccines globally is the greatest violation of medical ethics in the history of medicine, [and] maybe [in the history of] humanity.”


Deepening Depopulation

Remote Work Saves the Day: While US birth rates fluctuate and fall, two individuals. Lyman Stone and Adam Ozimek, theorize that the solution is already here, in the form of remote work. Their analysis found that remote work is likely to boost both marriage and pregnancy. The flexibility and convenience of working from home give them the opportunity to do so. 

“It turns out that life in the ‘electronic cottage’ can be fruitful in more ways than one,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “It allows parents to be more involved with their small children even if they are online working, because they are physically in the same space. It also eliminates the cost of daycare.”

A Path to Extinction: South Korea just broke a world record, one that did not need breaking. The country now has the world’s lowest fertility rate. At 0.78, this is less than half of the necessary replacement rate. South Korea is sounding the birth dearth, as it leads the way in depopulation. 


Communist China

Bride Price Drops: A delegate from the All-China Women’s Federation suggested a new policy change to combat the demographic crisis. This was the slashing of bride prices, a traditional payment from the bridegroom to the bride’s family as a “thank you” for raising a daughter. Many provinces are already reforming marriage customs, to make the process more palatable to young people.

“First the Communists force down the birth rate, leading to the massive abortion and infanticide of tens of millions of baby girls,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “Now, because young women are scarce, the price of acquiring a bride has skyrocketed, and the Communists want to force it down by fiat. They will only make the problem worse.”

Anti-Marriage Backlash: The murder of two Chinese women sparked a wave of anti-marriage sentiments on Chinese social media. The users claim that marriage leaves you unprotected from domestic abuse. Making the complete avoidance of marriage and childbearing the safest life choice. 

Digital Development: The Central Committee of the CCP announced a new “Digital China” plan to become as wired as the United States. This ambitious plan aims to bring the internet, as well as control and surveillance, to even the remotest village. 


UN Misdeeds

Activists Demand Intervention: Last week, two-hundred signatories sent a letter to various organizations and UN “experts” regarding Roe v. Wade. These activists demanded intervention from the UN because of alleged “human rights violations” by the US.  

Turk Raises Concerns: The United Nations has a new human rights chief, Volker Türk, who is reopening discussions on China’s human rights abuses. Allegedly Türk has opened channels of communication to follow up on these abuses. It is unknown whether these channels will lead to concrete action or not.  


Science Gone Mad

The Surrogacy Capital: Lawmakers in Idaho are looking to put in place the “Gestational Agreements Act,” a bill that would regulate commercial surrogacy. The state is already known as the “unofficial surrogacy capital,” and now looks to boost what it refers to as, “a thriving Idaho industry.” 

A documentary on this booming business in Idaho stated, “As the number of surrogate births surge across the country, Boise has become an epicenter of the movement, with a large population of healthy women of reproductive age and a significant number of Mormon and Catholic communities who value large families. In this ‘City of Trees’ with a population of a little over 200,000, it is estimated that one in 15 mothers will carry a baby for a stranger at some point in her life.” 

A Worldwide Ban: A group of lawyers, doctors, psychologists, and others gathered in Casablanca last week to discuss the “universal abolition of surrogacy.” In their “Casablanca Declaration,” the group aims to fight the practice while recognizing the difficulty of infertility.

Back on the Agenda: This week, a three-day summit on human genome editing was held in London. Despite a previous aversion to the practice, the position of these scientists seems to be shifting from against to “how can we do this safely?” As they pridefully assume that such playing God can ever be done with no risks. 


Pro-Life Around the World

Arrested Again: Acquitted only last month, U.K. pro-life activist Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested again for praying silently within a buffer zone. It is unclear how this is acceptable when the court ruled she had committed no crime only a month before for similar action. 

Contraception in Kenya: First Lady Jill Biden traveled to schools and churches in Kenya to promote contraception and “safe sex.” To add insult to injury, Jill, a self-proclaimed “catholic,” did all this while wearing a rosary around her neck. 


Pro-Life on the Home Front

Abortion & Secrecy: The Biden administration has pushed to include abortion in a new global health treaty, currently in the works. But just as concerning is the insistence by the negotiators that their negotiations remain secret from the American people.  

Newson vs. Walgreens: Walgreens agreed to dispense the abortion drug Mifepristone in all states where it is legally able to do so. But this is not enough for California governor Gavin Newsom. The pharmacy’s decision not to dispense in states where it would be illegal to do so caused Newsom to announce that California will do no more business with the drugstore chain. 

A Dangerous Campaign: A non-profit called “MayDay Health” sponsored a dangerous campaign pushing abortion pills. The campaign involved 14 mobile billboards targeting college campuses. It is already a risk to undergo a chemical abortion, but even worse, the billboards claim it is safe up to 12 weeks gestation.

Caroline Wharton,  Students for Life of America (SFLA) press strategist and staff writer, stated, “This campaign is incredibly dangerous as it encourages the use of Chemical Abortion Pills which kill a preborn child and leave women at risk of injury, infertility, domestic abuse, and death — and the campaign isn’t even promoting the FDA-approved use of these deathly drugs as they extend the gestational limit further than considered safe by the [Health & Human Services] agency.”


Good News 

A Risk Worth Taking: Kate Barnaby found out her baby had a heart defect when she was 16 weeks pregnant. She was given three options: abortion, allowing him to pass after birth, or attempting a complicated surgery. Kate chose life, risked the surgery, and today has a healthy baby boy.


Quote of the Week

“Recognizing that we don’t give ourselves a single moment of life — not even one heartbeat — is the first step in knowing that life is a gift. To know that we are small before a God who gives life is the first step. To know that we are dependent on God gives us peace of mind and is an invitation to let Him take care of everything.”

~ Sister Maria Cristina, source

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