PRI Insider (Volume 2, Issue 44) November 18

In This Issue: 

  • PRI in the Media 
    • A Pro-Life Welcome
    • The Looming Crisis
    • Biden Kowtows to Xi
    • Failing the Party
    • Baby 8 Billion Arrives
    • Climate Justice Complaints
  • UN Misdeeds 
    • Traditional vs. Progressive
    • Two-Sided Remarks
  • Science Gone Mad 
    • A Reproductive Crisis
    • IVF’s Death Count
    • Reassessing Puberty Blockers
    • Do No Harm

PRI in the Media 

A Pro-Life Welcome: This week, pro-life leaders worked together to publicly announce and celebrate the arrival of Baby 8 Billion in the Washington Times. The ad, spearheaded by PRI President Steven Mosher, Catholic writer Austin Ruse, and Ruth Institute Founder Jennifer Morse, was signed by dozens of pro-life leaders who are actively working against the pro-abortion narrative. 

LifeSiteNews notes, “Although the mainstream media encourages the public to fear the arrival of more people in the world, the pro-life message argues for the dignity of every human life and that there is enough space and resources for each addition to the human family.”

The Looming Crisis: PRI President Steven Mosher joined Kristin Hawkins of Students for Life to discuss the looming under-population crisis. In almost every continent, countries around the world have birth rates below replacement. Africa is currently the only exception to this trend downwards. 

Biden Kowtows to Xi: This week Joe Biden came to Xi Jinping for an in-person meeting, where our president’s every move translated to supplication and subservience. PRI President Steven Mosher joined Frank Gaffney on Securing America to discuss this meeting and what the Chinese have said about it.  

Failing the Party: It’s been two years since Trump was in office, but anti-MAGA media and RINOs are still blaming him for the failure of Republicans to make more strides in last week’s midterms. PRI President Steven Mosher points out that it is not Trump to blame, but the McLeadership: McConnell, McCarthy, and McDaniel. 

Para nuestros lectores español,  los artículos de Steve Mosher están disponibles en aquí y aquí


Deepening Depopulation

Baby 8 Billion Arrives: PRI shared the upcoming arrival of baby 8 billion several weeks ago, but now that little one has actually arrived! On Tuesday, November 15th, baby girl Vinice Mabansag was born in the Philippines, moving the world to a new milestone. 

Climate Justice Complaints: Reuters released a “doom-mongering” reaction to baby 8 billion’s arrival, whining that more people make climate justice more difficult. The outlet’s article was a watered-down version of Paul Ehrlich’s infamous “Population Bomb,” a book that spewed overpopulation propaganda in the 1970s. 


Communist China 

Promises Broken: After he was inaugurated, President Biden claimed that he would not let China take advantage of the United States, keeping American working families in mind. How has Biden lived up to this promise? By running up a $309 billion trade deficit with China in the first nine months of 2021, according to the Census Bureau. 

On the relationship between America and China, PRI President Steven Mosher says, “Despite the bootlicking, China is still complaining, ‘The US has failed to realize that it was its unilateral, arrogant and hostile strategy that put bilateral ties in risk of spiraling out of control and toward direct conflict.’ The Chinese Communist Party is demanding a full kowtow.”

Zero-COVID Continues: A singular case of COVID-19 shut down the entire campus of Peking University in Beijing this past week. With the zero-COVID policy still in place, Beijing is still enforcing lockdowns and quarantines even though there are only 350 current cases of coronavirus amongst its population of 21 million. 


UN Misdeeds

Traditional vs. Progressive: A fight broke out at the UN General Assembly Third Committee last week, during the consideration of a resolution on violence against women. Traditional countries were pitted against progressive on the issues of transgender ideology, homosexuality, and abortion. 

Two-Sided Remarks: Ib Peterson, deputy director of the UNFPA spoke out of both sides of his mouth when addressing the world’s latest population milestone of reaching 8 billion. Peterson praised the milestone as a success for humanity, sharing that it is not a “doomsday scenario.” But he immediately went on to harp on the harm of a large population on the climate and environment. 


Science Gone Mad 

A Reproductive Crisis: Researchers warn that the world is heading toward a reproductive crisis, as average sperm counts continue to fall. In forty years, these counts fell by 50% on average. While previously only researched in Europe, North America, and Australia, newer research showed this alarming decrease is also affecting Central and South America, Africa, and Asia.  

IVF’s Death Count: As the practice of IVF increases, so does its death count. Research published in Reproductive Biomedicine Online revealed that “80% — at least two million — of the human beings created through IVF either die during the process, are frozen indefinitely, or are destroyed.” 

Reassessing Puberty Blockers: Marketed for years as “life-saving” treatments for gender dysphoria, the dangers of puberty blockers are finally reaching mainstream media. Recognized by the FDA as an “off-label” use of these drugs, puberty blockers are detrimental to bone density and may also negatively affect brain development. 

Many side effects are either under researched or still known, to which writer Joan Desmand responds, “So while puberty blockers have been sold as a way for a young patient to hit the pause button as they grapple with gender dysphoria, it is not yet clear whether that could do serious damage.”

Do No Harm: The National Catholic Bioethics Center gathered signatures from the USCCB, Catholic Medical Association, and National Association of Catholic Nurses urging the FDA not to approve OPILL. The signatories warned of this over-the-counter birth control’s dangerous side effects, stating that, if approved, the drug will cause unavoidable harm, violating the FDA’s Hippocratic Oath. 


Pro-Life Around the World 

Abortion for Free: New Zealand’s government launched a hotline and website as contact points to get women abortion pills for DIY at-home abortions. As part of the “DECIDE” initiative, women can now get abortion pills delivered straight to their homes for free.  


Pro-Life on the Home Front 

Pro-Life Policies Coming: Last week, “supercharged” by the Republican majorities in the House and Senate, Floridian legislative leaders shared that further restrictions on abortion are coming down the pipeline. It is currently unclear how much protection will be offered to the unborn in the next year, but pro-life policies are on the way! 

PRI President Steven Mosher says, “We now have Pro-Life Super Majorities in the Florida House and Senate. In the Senate, we have a 28-2 majority and in the State House, we have a stunning majority of 84-35.  It makes it easy for the Republicans to pass any legislation they want to. How about a Heartbeat bill in Florida?”

We Cannot Be Silent: Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone shared the necessity of serving the victims of gender ideology. The Department of Health and Human Services wishes to restrict this ability of the Church by putting in place “nondiscrimination” laws. But even as Catholic healthcare providers and institutions are attacked, Catholic individuals must stand firm, protest the harmful ideology, and help those that are suffering from its effects. 

Cordileone calls us to act by saying, “We cannot be silent. Authentic compassion compels us to speak out for people who struggle with gender identity and for the victims of gender ideology, in all of the forms that victimization takes.”

Heartbeat Blocked: Georgia’s heartbeat bill was successfully put in place in July and was protecting the unborn until this past Tuesday. Through some major legal contortions, Judge Robert McBurney ruled the state’s heartbeat bill unconstitutional and blocked its enforcement. 

Abortion on the Water: Pro-abortion advocates are capitalizing on vulnerable women’s desperation for abortion by setting up mobile abortion clinics. The latest approach, led by Meg Autry, is the potential operation of an “abortion boat” intended to perform abortions on the water of the Gulf of Mexico. 


Good News 

Treatment in the Womb: This toddler girl is flourishing after being treated for a rare genetic disease while still in the womb. Ayla has infantile-onset Pompe disease, a condition that untreated kills infants before they reach two years of age. But intervention in-utero, part of early-stage clinical trials, gave Ayla a chance at a healthy life. 


Quote of the Week

Many prayers and sacrifices are needed to transform our culture so that all may cherish the gift of human life and offer life-giving support to vulnerable women, children, and families.”

~Kat Talalas, Director of USCCB Pro-Life Communications, source

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