PRI Insider (Volume 2, Issue 19) May 27

In This Issue:  

PRI in the Media 

Church in China Burns: This November, the Sino-Vatican agreement is up for renewal once again. With this deadline in sight, PRI President Steven Mosher joins Molly Smith on “From the Median” to discuss the deteriorating situation of the Catholic Church in China. Every day, the CCP digs its claws further into the church, ensuring that the Catholic religion is “resolutely oppressed and ruthlessly eradicated.” (The segment begins at 26:48.) 

Digital Dictatorship Begins: Miami International Airport is moving towards a technological future with facial recognition for all passengers. These changes are expected to be operational by 2023. In response to this upgrade, PRI President Steven Mosher stated, “I, for one, do not want to live in a hi[gh]-tech digital dictatorship of the kind that we see in China, where everyone is tracked throughout the day on surveillance cameras, not to mention on their own phones. We are perilously close to that already.”  


Deepening Depopulation 

The Biggest Threat: Elon Musk sounded the alarm on shrinking populations once again, during a virtual appearance for the All-In Conference. Describing the global falling birthrates as “the biggest single threat to humanity,” Musk used his platform to convince the public that having more children is necessary. This is no easy task in a world that has forgotten that reproducing is a necessary component to maintaining civilization.  

“The biggest threat facing humanity is not global warming or a future rise in sea levels or the sun going supernova,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “The biggest threat facing humanity is lack of humanity. Babies are the ultimate resource, the one resource you cannot do without if you want humanity to have a future. We need more of them not fewer.”  

Ending the Winter: Birth rates around the world remain below replacement level with no hope in sight for recovery. To heal this demographic winter, Fr. Shenan Boquet calls for pro-family social and political change. The country also needs a re-conversion, to open individual hearts up to the act of faith and hope that having a child truly is.   


Communist China  

Shanghai’s Mental Decline: An informal poll of Shanghai’s residents revealed rising rates of depression. While the poll claimed that 40% of citizens had depressive symptoms, a Chinese citizen shared that the rates are more likely closer to 80%. This is the inevitable result of human beings being locked away and treated like “animals in a zoo.”   

Far From Normal: Shanghai finally reached its ultimate goal of no new cases of COVID in its seventh week of lockdown. However, citizens remain uneasy as the CCP keeps lockdown measures in place. The residents know better than to trust the CCP lies that “normal life” is only a few weeks away. 

“China is still locking down entire city districts if one case of COVID is discovered,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “As I write in my forthcoming book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Pandemics, you cannot control a highly infectious, airborne respiratory virus by lockdowns, quarantines, masking, or any of the other mistaken COVID policies that China continues to follow. In China, this is no longer about COVID, it is about control.” 


UN Misdeeds 

A Superficial Visit: For several months, human rights activists have waited for the UN High Commissioner to visit the Xinjiang region of China. But their hopes that the genocide of the Uyghurs would be exposed were dashed by her announcement that the trip is not an investigation. The CCP has prepared a “closed loop” tour, meaning she will see nothing and talk to no one that is unapproved during her visit.  


Science Gone Mad 

Horrific Experiments: Students for Life of America has been working to expose the heinous experiments conducted by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh. These unnecessary experiments utilize body parts taken from infants killed after they are partially or fully born. The infants used in recent “research” were five months old when they were killed, meaning they were close to or already able to survive outside the womb with medical assistance.  

“The killing of babies for their organs must stop” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “Many abortions are done in such a way so that the babies are born alive, allowing the organs to be harvested while they are still in perfect condition. In other words, fetal tissue research encourages infanticide and must be banned.” 


Pro-Life Around the World 

Crime Without Punishment: A British woman who pleaded guilty to aiding her lover in aborting his pregnant partner’s baby received no jail time. It was only too easy for this crime to occur in the UK, where the abortion pill can be sent for free, with no in-person appointment necessary.   

A Wave of Death: Assisted suicide is now legal in every Australian state. With this victory for the culture of death, activists are now hoping to legalize the practice in the Australian Capital Territory as well. Activists, doctors, and politicians need to be held responsible for this “autonomous” world they are creating.  


Pro-Life on the Home Front 

Cordileone vs. Pelosi: Archbishop Cordileone is the first US bishop to take a stance against Catholic politicians that don’t uphold the teachings of their faith. One week ago, he barred Nancy Pelosi from receiving communion in his diocese. While she is still currently able to receive in other dioceses, this could be the beginning of a hard stance against hypocritical politicians that support abortion (or other gravely wrong practices.) 

Unhealthy Ideology: A recent poll revealed Americans’ true opinions on gender and sexual ideology. Almost 2/3 shared that they believe transgenderism is not healthy and even more stated that schools should not be educating elementary-aged children on sexual identity and behavior. This reality is in total opposition to the constant propaganda that supports “transgenderism without limits” on media platforms.  

“If the poll had been limited to the parents of school-aged children,” PRI President Steven Mosher says, “virtually 100 percent of those queried would have rejected the notion that schools should be trying to confuse children about which sex they are.  The only exceptions would be a few crazed leftists.” 


Good News 

The Tiny Twins: Three years ago, twin girls were born 18 weeks before their due date. The two became the world’s most premature twins to survive, and today are happy, healthy toddlers. The world should take note, given that many places still allow abortion up to 24 weeks, killing infants that could survive outside the womb with medical assistance. 


Quote of the Week

“I want to remind the people that we must be kind to each other, we must be gentle. Our world moves so fast but we must never forget that love is truly the only thing that matters.”  

~Cardinal O’Connor, source 


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