PRI Insider (Volume 2, Issue 16) May 6

 In This Issue:  

  • PRI in the Media 
    • Special Announcement 
    • The Never-ending Lockdown 
    • Death of a Hero 
    • Starving in Shanghai 


PRI in the Media 

Special Announcement: PRI offers congratulations to its own Director of the Latin American Office, Carlos Polo, who was appointed the newest board member of the International Right to Life Federation by unanimous vote this past week!  

The Never-ending Lockdown: The lives of Chinese citizens grow more dystopian by the day, under a mandate that makes no epidemiological sense.  PRI President Steven Mosher spoke on The Drew Mariani Show about the increasing demands of zero-COVID. The effects of this policy range from localized human rights violations to global shortages.    

Death of a Hero: Texas National Guardsman Bishop Evans bravely gave his life rescuing two illegal immigrants, as they were struggling to cross the Rio Grande. PRI’s own Dr. Christopher Manion wrote a brief piece addressing this tragedy. Meanwhile, the Left continues to ignore Evan’s sacrifice because it contradicts their Bidenized narrative.  

Starving in Shanghai: PRI President Steven Mosher called out the CCP for atrocities committed in the 1980s and he continues to expose their abuses today. Under zero-COVID, 25 million citizens are experiencing brutal treatment, locked in their homes or forced into quarantine camps. To the CCP’s dismay, details of the abuse become more available every day.  


Communist China  

A Problematic Partnership: A majority of Americans are willing to admit at least some concern over the relationship between China and Russia. But almost two-thirds reported this relationship as a “very serious” concern. Potentially increased by the conflict in Ukraine, negative views of both countries are growing.   

Support from the Young: While millions of Chinese languish in zero-COVID lockdowns, Xi Jinping travels freely to universities to call upon the young. Xi aims to build a “personality cult” around himself, composed of the next generation. These university students are expected to live up to their “red gene” and become the next generation of communists.     


UN Misdeeds  

Christians Under Fire: UN delegations have become increasingly intolerant of criticism against woke ideology. The most recent development involves a circulated resolution that would punish Christians and conservatives for any critiques of sexuality and gender ideology. These critiques would be labeled “hate speech,” which is a category of offenses growing daily.  


Science Gone Mad 

The Business of Surrogacy: The practice of surrogacy is back under the microscope in Sydney, Australia. Candidate Katherine Deves was targeted for her “controversial” opinion that surrogacy involves the exploitation of women, referring to it as “reproductive prostitution.” As is the case with other truth-tellers, Deves has received death threats for sharing these views.   


Pro-Life Around the World  

Defense of Life: This past weekend, thousands of Colombians participated in the 16th National March for Life. The event occurred in 78 different cities. According to their “Manifesto for Life,” this year’s march represented public outrage over recent legislation allowing abortion through the sixth month of pregnancy.    

Population Control in Disguise: Exposed receipts revealed a population control scheme masquerading as COVID relief. A USAID grant was received by Pathfinder International, a notorious eugenics group, for the purpose of pushing contraceptives and abortions on Ethiopian women.   


Pro-Life on the Home Front 

The Leaked Draft: An initial draft majority opinion by Justice Alito was leaked to the public and snatched up by POLITICO. The draft unflinchingly strikes down Roe v. Wade. Reactions and emotions are running high within the public. The Left is poised to politicize this process, ultimately aiming to pressure the justices into changing their opinion to a pro-death one.  

“We should celebrate the impending end of Roe v. Wade, but we should recognize that the leak of Justice Alito’s opinion means that the Left has declared war on the American justice system, and especially on the six pro-life members of the Supreme Court,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “Their home addresses have now been posted online, along with calls for demonstrations outside their homes.  Death threats have also been made.  We must pray for their safety and that of their families.” 

Questionable Funding: Despite warnings, the USCCB has awarded grants to an organization that advocates for abortion access. The Lepanto Institute provided clear evidence that the Ostara Initiative, given a $60,000 grant, provided direct access to abortion for women in prison. Yet this year, the USCCB gave them further funding.  

Planned Parenthood Propaganda: In a move that betrays fear, the Planned Parenthood corporation has hired a brand-new head of propaganda. As pro-life organizations increase their truth-spreading and the American public continues to listen, the abortion organization seeks to remedy the situation through increased disinformation.  

“Planned Parenthood only exists because of the Big Lie that an unborn child is only ‘a clump of tissue,’ and that the procedure itself is no more consequential than a manicure,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “Obviously the abortion giant realizes that its disinformation campaign is failing with the American public, most of whom now realize that abortion stops the beating heart of a baby.  So they are now bringing in a media professional to try and burnish their image.” 


Good News 

Legacy of a Saint: Dr. Gianna Molla, daughter of St. Gianna, is set to open an international center in tribute to her mother. The Molla Center for Family and Life will be located in Springfield, Illinois near the upcoming Evermode Institute.  


Quote of the Week 

“Look at the mothers who truly love their children: how many sacrifices they make for them. They are ready for everything, even to give their own blood so that their babies grow up good, healthy and strong.” 

~St. Gianna, Source 

Happy Mother’s Day from PRI!

“What could be more glorious than this, to be the dwelling place of an immortal soul for nine months.” 

~PRI President Steven Mosher 

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