PRI Insider (Volume 2, Issue 14) April 8

In This Issue:  

  • Communist China  
    • Banned in Beijing 
    • Corrupt News 
    • Genetic Resources 


PRI in the Media 

China’s Long Game: PRI President Steven Mosher appeared on Newsmax’s prime hour to discuss the CCP’s long-term goals. Their limitless relationship with Russia, along with the cyber-attacks against Ukraine and open support of Russian propaganda makes for a dangerous situation. If China were to join with Russia to create a Eurasian giant, powered by Russian resources, they could become a true threat to the current world order.  

The segment begins at 40:40 

Bully’s Book Review: Epoch TV host Dustin Bass did a deep delve into Bully of Asia in this recent feature. He concluded that this pivotal book on Red China is, “highly recommended for readers of all kinds.” 


COVID Controversy 

Pfizer’s Adverse Effects: After rolling out their experimental vaccine, Pfizer had to hire 600 new employees to handle the massive increase of adverse event reports. The Informed Consent Action Network is pursuing a lawsuit to uncover Pfizer’s vaccine documents, which may further reveal the extent of the negative effects of their vaccines.  

“PRI has always championed informed consent,” says Mr. Mosher. “I wonder how many people would have submitted to the jab had they been honestly briefed on the potentially life-threatening side effects? Which is, of course, why they weren’t.” 


Deepening Depopulation 

“Stop Having Kids”: Before there was Paul Ehrlich, there was an anti-population marketer by the name of Hugh Moore. Moore was the original instigator of “The Population Bomb,” releasing a pamphlet by this title in 1954. He went on to become the founder of several anti-natalist organizations, many of which unfortunately persist in their horrid missions today.  

“Hugh Moore, founder of the Dixie Cup paper company, was the original population control huckster,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “As I wrote in my book, Population Control, he founded the Population Action Committee and wrote a pamphlet called—what else? — ‘The Population Bomb.’  Paul Ehrlich later borrowed this title for his own book.  What better way to scare people, they thought, than to use the image of a bomb and the idea of an explosion.” 

Pandemic Baby Bust: Elon Musk is receiving pushback on Twitter for openly sharing his concerns over the falling fertility rate in the United States. While he pushes for more children, his followers dismiss his opinion due to his wealth. But Musk’s reasons for concern are legitimate.  

Regarding the research that Musk cited, PRI President Steven Mosher says, “Scientific American has gone heavily political over the years, but here it reports accurately on the baby bust that threatens America’s future.  PRI is working to pass baby- and family-friendly policies in the U.S. to help reverse this trend.” 


Communist China  

Banned in Beijing: New regulations on off-campus teaching were released by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education. Designed to prevent any circumvention of strict in-school policies, these policies criminalize any criticism of the country or the CCP. They also perpetuate the restriction of religion by making all references to religious practice illegal. 

Corrupt News: Fake news coverage of the war with Ukraine is being spread through Taiwan. Pushed by Russia and China, millions of posts and articles are circulating through multiple platforms. This propaganda is being used to mislead and, even further, threaten Taiwan.    

Genetic Resources: The CCP has decided to make genetic data a national strategic resource. This will require the creation of human genetic databases, which will be updated every 5 years. As with any CCP undertaking, ethical concerns abound and further control of the Chinese people with this info is inevitable.  

“I have written a series of articles in the Epoch Times about China’s massive effort to collect genetic information from every living Chinese,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “It is also engaged in a parallel effort to collect genetic data from as many people of other ethnicities as possible. The goal is to develop biological weapons targeted at specific races.” 


UN Misdeeds  

Mandating Gay Relations: UN experts are compelling Sri Lanka to make same-sex relations between women legal. Intercourse that goes against nature has been illegal for both men and women since 1995. These alleged experts, being members of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, are crusading only for lesbians at this time.  


Science Gone Mad  

Three-Parent Babies: A new law has passed in New South Wales that opens the possibility for embryos with three genetic parents. Coined “Maeve’s Law,” this legislation allows mitochondrial DNA donation and implantation within embryos created by IVF. 

Second Chance Embryos: Potential parents that choose the route of IVF must accept the reality that their embryos face being implanted, discarded, experimented upon, or frozen forever. Scientists decide this future by grading the embryos, only the higher graded given a chance for implantation. But these processes are faulty, leading some embryos to be incorrectly rated, sentencing them to death or experimentation for no reason.  


Pro-Life Around the World  

Permanent Policy Change: The House of Lords has advanced an amendment that makes abortions-by-mail a permanent policy. The practice was only allowed initially as a temporary COVID-19 measure. Now the dangerous practice will be standard, despite evidence that unsupervised abortions are detrimental to women.   

Buffer Zones in Ireland: The Northern Ireland Assembly has passed a “buffer zone” law, that could become law with Royal Assent. This will make praying, holding signs, and offering help outside of abortion clinics illegal. The legislation passed, despite having minuscule public support and taking away safer, better options from pregnant women. 


Pro-Life on the Home Front 

Colorado’s Extremes: Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed into law a bill that makes abortion a right within the state. The bill allows abortion up until the moment of birth. It also includes wording that allows for infanticide in cases of babies born alive during abortion or those born with unexpected health conditions.  


Good News 

Voice of the Unborn: A giant bell, taken on an amazing journey through Europe, has reached its final destination of Ukraine. The bell was designed in Poland with images that represent the global pro-life movement. Blessed by Pope Francis, the bell will ring in a culture of life as it travels amongst parishes within Ukraine. 


Quote of the Week 

“I encourage you to continue to defend life from its beginning to its natural end, but also to protect it at every moment from being cast aside and deprived of care and concern.” 

~Pope Francis, source 




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