PRI President Steven Mosher Speaks at Pro-Life Wisconsin


Today we bring you a presentation by PRI’s founder and president, Steven Mosher. In a recent address in Wisconsin, Mr. Mosher gave an eloquent and moving account of his conversion long ago, when he left behind a promising role as a secular social scientist at a prestigious American University to become a leader in the international fight for life and liberty of the most vulnerable in every society, especially the unborn.

For many of you, Steve’s reminiscences will be a welcome opportunity to reflect on your memories of PRI’s early days, when Steve first began his work with Father Paul Marx, whom Pope Saint John Paul II called “The Apostle of Life.” Others might be hearing his eyewitness account, a unique perspective on the history of the pro-life movement, for the first time. I encourage you not only to listen to Steve’s talk, but to share it, because you might well find that others who hear it for the first time might resolve to reorder their principles, their priorities, and their lives in the same fashion that Steve did, in the faraway rural fields and villages of communist China.

We turn now to Steve Mosher talk, where he begins his right-to-life story.

You have been listening to the presentation which PRI president Steven Mosher recently gave to a pro-life gathering in Wisconsin. We encourage you to encourage your friends to hear it and to share it. And as always, we ask for and appreciate your vital support for the work of the Population Research Institute.

This has been PRI review from Thanks for listening.

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