For the Record…

“China’s ‘one-child’ per couple population control policy may be costing the Chinese economy billions of dollars, Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute, said at a lecture in Washington, DC…

“During his talk, which was entitled Population Control: Real Costs, Illusory Benefits, Mosher also said the policy has led to a huge unbalance in China’s gentler ratio, a booming sex trade around its borders and vast human rights abuses in the name of reproductive health.

“’By eliminating a couple of hundred million people, China has made itself poorer,’ Mosher told Cybercast News Service. …

“’If you crunch the numbers and assume China’s economy will continue to grow at the current rate, you see that every baby born in China will add several thousands of dollars to the Gross National Product (GNP) over the course of his or her lifetime,’ he stated.

“’The opposite is also true,’ added Mosher ‘Every birth that is prevented marks a reduction of several thousands of dollars in the GNP over the coming years. Every birth the government in China stops represents a financial blow to the Chinese.’…

“Mosher said that the Chinese government estimates the ‘one child’ policy has prevented around 300 million births since its introduction in 1979. Birth control, family planning, forced sterilization, abortion and infanticide have been used to reach that number, Mosher said.

“’There would be 300 million more Chinese alive today if that policy had not been adopted,’ Mosher said.

“Beyond economic consequences, Mosher said that China’s cultural preference for males has led to high rates of abortion and infanticide for female babies and that there now exist millions of Chinese men who will not be able to find a mate.

“’There will be 26 million young Chinese men who will not be able to find brides because their brides were killed in utero,’ he stated. ‘Roughly 10 percent of little girls in China never have a chance to draw their first breath.’

“Mosher said that all the ‘excess testosterone’ has led to spikes in prostitution and a slave trade for women. ‘Women are scarce, and they are being treated as a commodity,’ he said.”

Josiah Ryan, “’One Child’ Policy Weakens Chinese Economy, Expert Says,”, (16 June 2008): reprinted by CNS, June 2008,

“Friendly gestures extended to reporters and public sympathizers ended when pro-abortion officials identified Maggela de Tejada… and Carlos Polo, the Director of the Office for Latin America of Population Research Institute. Both were asked to leave when the pro-abortionists realized they were attending the event.

“Carlos Polo reported to ACI Press ‘an hour before the press conference we called the contact person on the invitation, Sonia Puerta, and confirmed with her that they could enter. Nevertheless, it was the same Miss Puerta who asked me to leave. …This intolerant attitude demonstrates that the promoters of abortion not only try to interpret the laws excessively, but they are closed to any type of debate,’ said Carlos Polo.

“’These organizations try to give the impression of being open, repeating the motto “freedom of choice” and accuse others of being “fundamentalists.” Nevertheless, they personify an ideological dictatorship that expresses itself in the manipulation of the freedom of many poor women. They will not tolerate anyone; they will not listen critically to anyone,’ he concluded.”

“Peruvian feminists expel pro lifers from press conference asking for abortion,” Aciprensa, 28 May, 2008,

“Clear-eyed observers of China are a rare breed, but Steven Mosher is one of them. In his brilliant 1991 book, China Misperceived: American Illusions and Chinese Reality, Mosher wrote: ‘For the past two centuries, American perceptions of China have oscillated between the poles of love and hate. In brighter moments China was seen as the land of Marco Polo and Pearl Buck, peopled with wise, industrious, and courageous folk. But regularly, almost cyclically, the pendulum swung hack, and the cruel and violent China of the Mongol hordes, the Boxer Rebellion, and the “human wave” attacks reasserted itself The Chinese heroes of the anti-Japanese resistance became the totalitarian masses of the 1950s, the riotous young rebels of the 1960s, the public-spirited proletarians of the 1970s, and the poor but deserving folk of the 1980s. The Tiananmen massacre has once again tilted the balance, and the pendulum has swung to the other dark extreme.’”

Kin-ming Liu, “China’s Fall From Grace No Surprise,” Post Global, Washington Post, 6 May 2008,

“Spain’s Socialist Government Adopts New Policies in Face of Underpopulation,” by Carlos Beltramo, PRI correspondent in the European Union, was reprinted by, http://www.

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