Why China’s Dream is a Threat to World Order

FRONT ROYAL, VA – China’s status and influence is rising rapidly on the international stage. An increasingly assertive China is gradually challenging the current world order and the international norms and democratic principles that undergird it.

In his latest book, Bully of Asia, critically acclaimed author and internationally-recognized authority on China, Steven W. Mosher, provides an insightful and timely commentary on the economic and geopolitical rise of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). In Bully of Asia, Mosher explains what China’s aspirations for resurgence and hegemony mean for America and the free world. Bully of Asia is a must read for anyone concerned about China’s growing power and influence and the threat that an increasingly aggressive and militaristic China poses to Western democratic values.

Mosher explains what drives the PRC’s aggression towards other states. The PRC believes that:

  • its own high civilization surpasses anything the West, or the rest of the world, has to offer;
  • following centuries of regional hegemony, China has a natural right to bestride the region;
  • it has suffered humiliation, real or imagined, at the hands of the West; the PRC has used this to foster a deep desire for revenge in everyone from the top leaders on down to ordinary workers;
  • the current world order is unjust, and thus China thinks itself not only justified, but even clever and sophisticated for deceiving its way to dominance, signing agreements it has no intention of honoring;
  • and, above all, that it is China’s manifest destiny to usher in a new world order, which it calls the World of Great Harmony.

“The profound impact that China as a regional hegemon would have on the world should not be minimized,” Mosher writes, “The leaders of the Chinese party-state feel no obligation to honor the current rules-based international order. They will either restructure its institutions to China’s advantage if they can or, failing that, simply ignore them.”

Steven W. Mosher is the president of the Population Research Institute, a former Commissioner of the Commission on Broadcasting to the People’s Republic of China, and a leading authority on China today. As one of the first American social scientists permitted by the PRC government to study in China, Mosher was the first Westerner to witness the practice of forced abortion and forced sterilization under the one-child policy. Mosher regularly testifies before Congress to provide his insights on China. Mosher has a keen understanding of Chinese society and is the author of several books on China including Journey to Forbidden China; A Mother’s Ordeal: One Woman’s Fight against China’s One-Child Policy; Broken Earth: The Rural Chinese; China Misperceived: American Illusions and Chinese Reality; and China Attacks (with Chuck DeVore).

The Population Research Institute (PRI) is a 501(c)(3) educational non-profit organization dedicated to promoting respect for human rights in the context of population issues. To learn more about PRI’s work, visit www.pop.org.

To order a copy of Bully of Asia, click here.

Media Contact

For more information or to arrange an interview with Steven Mosher, please contact:

Jonathan Abbamonte
Research Analyst
(540) 660-2733
[email protected]

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