PRI President Steven Mosher to Appear on Laura Ingraham Tonight

PRI President Steven Mosher will join the Laura Ingraham show tonight to discuss the most important questions in the world right now:

  1. Where did Covid-19 originate? 
  2. How will we hold China accountable for unleashing and covering up for a virus that killed millions and cost the global economy trillions?
  3. Why does the Biden Administration keep shying away from criticism of China?

Our own medical bureaucracy played a role in the creation of this deadly virus. Back in 2012, Dr. Anthony Fauci was advocating gain of function research, despite the fact that there was a moratorium on this risky research in place.  Fauci wanted to do the research to “stay ahead of the naturally evolving risk.”

The Chinese Communist Party wanted to do the research for different reasons:  To create a deadly pathogen that they could release upon the world.

Show details:

  • Where: Fox News
  • When: Tonight at 10:00 PM ET

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