PRI Insider (Volume 2, Issue 32) August 26

In This Issue: 


PRI in the Media 

Reversing Disaster: The CCP is desperately trying to boost falling fertility rates, an issue that is a monster of their own making. For decades Chinese women were hounded with propaganda, as well as forced into abortions and sterilizations. Many of these women are still recovering from the horrors, as illustrated by PRI President Steven Mosher’s comments in this article as follows: 

“It is no coincidence that women in China have the highest suicide rate in the world, not to mention the highest rates of breast cancer, all as a consequence of having killed their babies in the womb by a state ruthlessly bent on population control.” 


Deepening Depopulation 

Beginning to Balance: Starting regularly in the 1980s, legal and illegal sex-selective abortion majorly skewed the ratio of baby boys to baby girls in India. Now years of legislation and campaigns to end the practice have paid off. New data from Pew Research Center shows that Indian families are less likely to turn to abortion in response to the gender of their child and as a result, the sex ratio at birth is beginning to balance.    

“We at PRI have been investigating and reporting on the tragedy of sex selection abortion in India for decades,” says PRI President Steven Mosher, “and working with pro-lifers there to expose and correct this most heinous form of discrimination–discrimination that kills.  We are happy to report that the number of little girls being sacrificed in this way is declining.  Even one abortion is too many, of course.”  

Our Unanticipated Reality: Since the UN’s admittance of the incoming demographic crisis, the truth has spread that depopulation is more of a threat than overpopulation. In this recent piece, Quillette offers a comprehensive breakdown of the world’s “unexpected future.” While this may seem shocking to the general population, PRI has followed, and warned of, this crisis for many years.  


Communist China 

A Questionable Vow: At this year’s National Congress of Catholicism in China, newly elected leaders vowed to “invigorate” parishioners with the CCP’s socialist principles. This ongoing sinicization of the faithful in China is required by Xi Jinping, twisting the good of the Church to fit his purposes.  

Ideology Over Economy: The CCP pushes the idea that China is economically prosperous, but in reality, Xi Jinping sacrificed economic growth for his power. Though structural changes in the economy and payback for an era of hyper-growth are also contributors to the slowdown, Xi’s prioritization of ideology over the economy is coming back to bite him. 


UN Misdeeds 

The Right to Murder: The European Union, with support from President Biden, is pressuring the UN General Assembly to adopt abortion as a human right. The resolution currently in the works, which will be released at the end of this month, is another step towards this goal. It pushes “access to safe abortion,” though thankfully includes the caveat, “where such services are permitted by law.”   


Science Gone Mad 

A Supporter’s Response: In response to our reporting on the latest transgender insanitythat babies in the womb can know they are the wrong gendera supporter sent in her thoughts. We want to share them with you: 


“First, the Insider was far too generous in referring to this as insane “science.”   

No “science” involved at all, as far as I can tell.  

Just some blindly ideological psychologist whose sole professional focus is “treating” children with gender “disorders” in her Boston Children’s Hospital clinic, also needing to justify what she focuses on by speculating (and hoping) that all this is such an inherent biological problem that even babies in the womb are aware of it. 

Second, what does it portend for a woman’s “right to choose” abortion? 

If the baby is “sentient enough” in the womb to know his gender is wrong, does that make aborting him some violation of his “choice” or some form of “gender oppression” by his mother? 

If the baby has to wait several long years burdened by knowing his gender is wrongin order to be born, learn to talk, express his problem, and demand that it be corrected – is that another form of “gender oppression” or some form of “torture”? 

Third, what’s next? “Transgender” surgery and chemicals in the womb? 

The mind totally boggles.  And then the head explodes.” 


Hesitancy Over MAiD: Canadian leaders plan to expand the medical assistance in dying (MAiD) program in 2023, but a majority of Canadians are at least hesitant about this plan proceeding. The expansion would allow assisted suicide for individuals with only a mental disorder as the underlying condition. This is the second time since MAiD was put in place that its requirements have been loosened.  


Pro-Life Around the World  

Global Effects of Roe: The Guttmacher Institute has taken to social media to spread the “negative” effects of Roe v. Wade’s overturn. According to the anti-life organization, the reversal spells doom for abortion around the world.  

“We at PRI certainly hope that Guttmacher is right that the end of Roe marks the turning of the tide towards laws protecting the unborn and prosecuting abortionists who violate them,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “But Guttmacher is absolutely wrong when it suggests that pro-life legislation somehow reduces access to essential health care.  Abortion is not health care.” 


Pro-Life on the Home Front 

Biden’s Abortion Extremism: President Biden has taken a strong stance in favor of abortion, yet pro-abortion advocates are still unsatisfied with what they consider his “moderate” approach. He has attacked pro-life legislation, such as the Mexico City Policy and Hyde Amendment, and supported radical abortion bills like the Women’s Health Protection Act. Add to this the executive order on abortion access signed post-Roe, and it calls into question how this leader could ever objectively be called moderate.   

“As a pro-life group of Catholic orientation, PRI is especially disappointed that our second Catholic president has morphed into the most radically pro-abortion occupant of the Oval Office in American history,” says PRI President Steven Mosher 

Coercion Coming for Healthcare: Human Life Action is spreading the word that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is targeting conscience and religious freedom. The HHS’s latest proposed rule would coerce healthcare professionals and providers to perform abortions and gender transitions if it goes through. 

Sterilized without Consent:  In this piece from The Pillar, Elaine Riddick shares her experience at the hands of eugenic policies in the U.S. in 1968. At 13, Riddick was sterilized without her knowledge or consent, after giving birth via c-section to a child conceived in rape. She is one of many women who suffered because of policies pushed by Margaret Sanger and Dr. Alan Guttmacher. 


Good News 

A Beautiful Journey: A couple called to adoption were given a miracle, as their adoptive son comes home after 104 days in the NICU. Nathan and Amy Duncan were told that Baby Marshall’s situation was severe, but through God, they felt a “fearless peace.” Their baby boy is now tube-free and completely healthy.   


Quote of the Week 

“For God, the Lord of life, has conferred on men the surpassing ministry of safeguarding life in a manner which is worthy of man. Therefore, from the moment of its conception life must be guarded with the greatest care while abortion and infanticide are unspeakable crimes.” 

~Pope Paul VI, Gaudium Et Spes 

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