PRI Insider (Volume 2, Issue 11) March 18

In This Issue:  


PRI in the Media  

Waiting and Watching: PRI President Steven Mosher appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight to address China’s role in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. He explained that Xi Jinping is watching the Russian invasion play out. In fact, he encouraged Putin’s plan to invade, and at the end of the day will benefit greatly if Russia succeeds.  

Biden’s Incompetence: The Biden administration sent Jake Sullivan to negotiate with the CCP on “efforts to contain Russia.” But every move from Biden has been too little, too late. The meeting gained nothing but humiliation and accusations for the United States.  


Deepening Depopulation 

No Single Motherhood: A top Chinese politician received backlash for putting forth a proposal that would allow single women over the age of 30 to have one child. This effort to combat demographic decline would approve unmarried women for egg retrieval and freezing, as well as IVF and other fertility procedures. The public reacted negatively and several individuals offered their reasons for this to The Epoch Times under pseudonyms.  

“Communist officials practice polygamy, and have mistresses on the side,” says Steven Mosher.  “Allowing single women to legally have children—which has long been forbidden under China’s family planning laws—would allow these ‘little wives,’ as they are called in Chinese, to have children.” 


COVID Controversy  

New Origin Propaganda: The CCP is spreading a new theory about the origin of COVID-19 that blames both the United States and Ukraine. Their propaganda is built on alleged Russian evidence of American-controlled labs in Ukraine. 

“There are biolabs all over the world that handle dangerous pathogens,” says PRI President Steven Mosher, “but they are not engaging in dangerous Gain of Function research to produce new ones as part of a bioweapons research program. The Wuhan lab was. The Ukraine labs were not. Anyone who suggests otherwise is spewing Russian (and Chinese) propaganda.” 


Communist China  

Sending Threats: The Hong Kong security police attempted to control an organization beyond China’s borders. The UK-based group, Hong Kong Watch, received threats for reporting on the current strain of COVID-19 spreading through China and criticizing the CCP’s approach.  


UN Misdeeds  

Congressmen Complaints: Twenty-five members of the United States Congress have joined the growing number of organizations protesting the exclusion of pro-life and pro-family representation in UN processes. A letter addressing this discrimination was sent to the Executive Director of UN Women pushing for equal representation.   


Science Gone Mad  

Gender Medicine: A new blog, Gender Clinic News, is keeping an eye on the rapidly shifting standards for transgender care around the world. The lack of data and use of a “hybrid medical-and-identity-politics model” by clinics create a dangerous mix for children experiencing gender dysphoria.  


Pro-Life Around the World  

Guatemala Stays Strong: While other countries in Latin America cave to progressive pressures, Guatemala has embraced traditional values. The new Protection of Life and Family Law instated further penalties for abortion, prohibited same-sex marriage, and banned schools from teaching gender ideology to children.  

Justice Served: One year ago, Dr. Dermot Kearney was suspended for assisting women with Abortion Pill Reversal treatment. Today, MSI Reproductive Choices has lost this battle and Dr. Kearney was reinstated to continue this life-saving work.  


Pro-Life on the Home Front   

Barring the Word “Baby”: The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists released a new language guide for abortion. The rules soften and sensitize the heinous act of abortion, banning any word or phrase that could trigger the slightest emotional response.  

“Those who support — and profit from — the killing of the unborn always insist on covering up their crimes by using euphemisms,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “Those of us who support life must always use pro-baby, pro-life language.  A baby is a baby no matter how small.  And a heartbeat is a heartbeat no matter how faint.” 

Following Texas’s Footsteps: Encouraged by the recent success of Texas’s heartbeat law, Idaho is following suit. On Monday the House, led by Republicans, passed their own heartbeat bill, putting power in the hands of the people and protecting babies after six weeks of gestation. 

Corruption of Children: LGBT activists have been pushing for the indoctrination of children with sexuality and gender ideology. Children of all ages are now at risk of being sent by negligent parents to sex-ed camps, where different practices regarding sex, contraceptives, and even abortion are taught.  

“Make no mistake, the sexual libertines, having corrupted themselves, now seek pleasure in corrupting children,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “And since they largely abort their own children, that means they are seeking to corrupt our children.  Get elected to your local school board, or support someone who is running, and stop the sexualization of innocent children in the classroom.” 


Good News 

Saving More Babies: Virginia lawmakers have passed four new bills expanding the state’s safe haven laws. Their goal is to save more little lives by extending the 14-day limit and fund the building of more Safe Haven Baby Boxes.  


Quote of the Week 

“We love, we pray, we don’t despair. Culture is changed one person at a time. John Paul II said we must engage the culture. We will do that, and we will turn the culture one person at a time.”  

~Archbishop Joseph Naumann, source 

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