
Dear Steve,

Greetings from South Africa! I want to thank you very sincerely for the wonderful work you and your colleagues are doing in the noble service of life. What could be more noble and beautiful than working for the protection of human life, the crown of God’s creation? Why human life at its most weak and vulnerable stage should he in such mortal danger from their rich, materialistic, jaded, secular culture of the modern world is surely a very, very sad story.

Apart from abortion which is strongly promoted in this country we have the huge challenge of the deadly HIV/AIDS disease which shows no signs of slowing down. We have already buried 2.25 million people from AIDS-related diseases out of a total population approaching 50 million. It is estimated that about 6 million are living with HIV/AIDS. Every village and nearly every family is affected in some way by the disease.

It is becoming more and more evident day by day that the Western world’s obsession with condom promotion is severely hampering the efforts of African countries to deal effectively with HIV/AIDS. The only country to show real progress in combating the disease is Uganda. Over the past 10 to 12 years through the promotion of abstinence before marriage and fidelity in marriage the country has brought down the rate of infection from almost 30 percent (in some areas) to just over 6 percent. The Western world refuses to accept and laud this tremendous achievement. On the contrary, it is doing its utmost to undermine it by using every possible means of promoting condoms there, against the wishes of the government leadership.

Our diocese commissioned some DVDs to help in the struggle against HIV/AIDS. I am enclosing two: “Sowing in Tears,” an overview of the AIDS situation in the diocese and “The Change is On” dealing mainly with Uganda’s success story. This story needs to be widely known not only in Africa hut also in the Western world. It is produced by Metanoia Media, Cape Town. It would be very enlightening for Western politicians.

Some time ago you were advertising a hook called Celtic Heritage Saints. Maybe you could kindly send me a copy of the book if you still have it in exchange for the DVDs!

Wishing God’s blessing on your great apostolate.

Most Rev. Hugh Slatter, MSC

Bishop of Tzaneen, South Africa

Dear Steven Mosher,

The event you reported of the decision of U.S. Supreme Court is good news. Our groups here in Nigeria celebrated it. The Culture of Life is gaining ground. God must be praised. Kudos for your most wonderful efforts and commitment.

Ezeobata Elochukwu, Program Director

St. Paul Prolife Movement, Enugu, Nigeria

Dear Steve,

This spring I attended an orientation for people interested in exploring Natural Family Planning. The orientation was put on by a couple who live this. The husband is a doctor who has served overseas, including Malawi. He told me specifically that the people he worked with saw the U.S. as imperialists specifically because of the efforts to have people of other nations limit their family size.

Additionally, we may be facing some interesting food issues, looking at the fish studies done in both the UK in about 2002 and a study published online in Scientific American. There is an article dated April 17, 2007, about fish genders becoming confused primarily due to all the estrogen in sewage and affecting fish gonads. (See “Contraceptive Poisoning,” PRI Review, September-October, 2007, Vol. 17, No. 5, page 4). The article states more studies are needed.

Why would we want to push such a blight on other parts of the world, who need to feed themselves, and may eventually save our lives by feeding us when we have made fields into estates, and haven’t taught our children to farm, because farming here is financially challenging at best. And maybe they will have fish as ours are depleted due to decreased reproduction due to estrogen.

Thank you for the work you do!

C.C., Seattle, Washington

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