PRI Insider (Volume 4, Issue 15) April 19th

In This Issue:

  • Deepening Depopulation
    • Fewer Future Relatives
    • Fewer Children, More Homeschoolers
    • Increase in Elderly Population


PRI in the Media

Victims of the CCP: Chuck Devore, chief national initiatives officer at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, praised Mr. Mosher’s newest book, The Devil and Communist China. Devore stated that the book “convincingly argues that the evil practiced by the CCP eclipses that of the USSR” and “offers a profound and chilling examination of the CCP’s history and its effect on the world.” Devore was clear that The Devil and Communist China is not just a description of the historical events, but is also an “indictment of the ideological underpinnings” that made the horrors of the CCP’s reign possible. The book also goes beyond the history of the party as it includes a breakdown of the current situation in China, including the persecution of minority groups like the Uyghurs, Falun Gong, and Christians. 

Mr. Mosher also completed an exclusive interview with Breitbart on how Xi Jinping, the ‘Son of Mao’s Spirit’ is leading a war against the free world. Read it here


Deepening Depopulation

Fewer Future Relatives: As fertility rates fall around the world, family structures also begin to shift. In a new study of this demographic transition, researchers estimated that by 2095 the average 65-year-old woman’s family will have declined to 25 relatives, compared to 41 in 1950. This “thinning of the family” can already be seen in China, which accelerated its family structure deterioration with the one-child policy. In 1950, the average Chinese newborn had approximately 11 cousins, but by 2095 that number will have decreased to one. Unfortunately, even countries without abusive population control programs will eventually feel this family structure shift within the century. 

“Two generations into the one-child policy,’ says Mr. Mosher. “Chinese children not only had no brothers and sisters, they had no cousins, aunts, or uncles. The family tree had been shorn of all its branches.”

Fewer Children, More Homeschoolers: Great Britain’s falling birth rate could cause the breakdown of the national education system. The number of children born in England and Wales has hit an all-time low, due to reasons including the pandemic and rising cost of living. On top of this, more parents are choosing to homeschool their children. In the 2022-23 school year, there was a 12.6% increase in homeschoolers compared to the previous academic year. These reasons combined may result in the shutdown of hundreds of primary schools across England and Wales. This will leave less academic choice for parents who still send their children to school, instead of homeschooling. 

Increase in Elderly Population: A research facility in Japan has shared estimates that the number of senior citizens living alone in Japan will likely jump to  47% by 2050. The National Institute of Population and Social Security Research also shared that the number of single-person households is expected to reach 23.3 million in 2050, accounting for 44.3% of total households. In 2020, senior citizens aged 65 or older made up 34.9% of one-person households, but by 2050 this will rise to 46.5%. The main consequence of this aging population will be the heavy burden this demographic change will put on the country’s social security system.  


Communist China

Unhappy Families Censored: The Chinese Communist Party has found a new thing to censor. Internet censors have deleted hundreds of online TV dramas depicting the negative aspects of family life. Censors at video platforms Douyin and Kuaishou deleted over 700 videos of TV micro-dramas showing discontent between in-laws because of the “extreme emotions” they evoked. This move is yet another attempt by Xi Jinping to encourage marriage and family life. By erasing negative portrayals of the family, Xi believes couples will be more likely to get married and have children. While it is certainly true that marriage and family are often the key to a fulfilling life, the CCP’s coercive methods are problematic.

“The CCP continues to brainwash the Chinese people–this time to marry and have children–using television and TikTok,” says Steve Mosher. “At the same time, it is using the English version of TikTok to brainwash American young people into insanity. A 15-year-old girl who believed she was a cat would, not so long ago, be committed to an institution. Now she is given a litter box in the bathroom of her choice.”


UN Misdeeds

EU Endorses Abortion: On April 12th, the EU Council adopted a resolution including an amendment that declares abortion a fundamental right. The amendment proposed in the resolution declares that “Everyone has the right to bodily autonomy, to free, informed, full and universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights, and to all related healthcare services without discrimination, including access to safe and legal abortion.” In its defense of abortion, it cited the “non-binding opinions of UN bodies” and urged EU member states to “decriminalize abortion in line with the 2022 WHO guidelines.” As Conservative members of the EU parliament pointed out, this resolution was a political stunt, as it is not binding on EU member states. For this amendment to become part of EU treaty law, it would require all EU heads of government to agree on the amendment and ratify it according to their own national constitutions. Thankfully, this is highly unlikely. 


Science Gone Mad

Womb Experiments Continue: A team of Canadian doctors and researchers continues to develop artificial womb technology. Their latest experiment involved the transfer of piglets from inside their mother’s womb to a “biobag” that simulates a womb-like environment. These doctors’ goal is to be able to help babies that are born extremely prematurely. However, this technology is a new frontier with its own moral and ethical challenges. There are already concerns from pro-abortion individuals over how this technology will highlight the humanity of unborn babies and reduce abortions. While pro-life commentators worry over the future misuse of artificial wombs to gestate embryos for an entire pregnancy. At this point in time, these doctors are only able to keep an unborn piglet alive in a biobag for one week. However, this is a technology that needs to be carefully moderated for future immoral and/or unethical use. 


Pro-Life Around the World

Day of Prayer: Catholic Bishops in Poland declared last Sunday a day of prayer for unborn children after the country’s lawmakers advanced four pro-abortion bills. The current abortion law only allows the procedure if the mother’s life is at risk or when the pregnancy occurred from illegal sexual activity, such as rape or incest. But two of these new bills would legalize abortion for any reason through twelve weeks. The third bill would decriminalize providing abortions. The fourth bill is less extreme than the other three, but would expand the policy to legalize abortions for babies with a “fetal anomaly.” This past Sunday was also the March for Life in Poland which draws thousands of members from across the majority Catholic country every year. Pro-lifers in the country continue to pray that these bills do not advance any further. 


Pro-Life on the Home Front

Human Life Action: In a recent email, Human Life Action shared that four states are currently considering constitutional amendments on abortion: Florida, Colorado, Nevada, and Arizona. Florida recently allowed the fifteen-week ban on abortion, which paves the way for Ron Desantis’ heartbeat bill to go into effect. However, the state’s Supreme Court has also decided to allow a pro-abortion amendment to be part of November’s ballot. In Colorado, the Coloradans for Protecting Reproductive Freedom coalition is currently working to oppose a measure that has been proposed that will amend the state constitution to say that the government “shall not deny, impede, or discriminate against the exercise of the right to abortion.” In Nevada, a petition to add a pro-abortion ballot measure that would reinforce abortion up to 24 weeks and enshrine abortion in the state constitution, has reached 110,000 signatures. Finally in Arizona, a political action committee, Arizona for Abortion Access, has filed a proposed constitutional amendment that would enshrine a right to abortion in the state constitution, including late-term abortion.

“The Biden campaign and its abortion allies are pushing abortion referenda in four states, three of which are swing states, in the hope of galvanizing their voters to swarm the polls this November,”  says Mr. Mosher. “This won’t work in Florida, which has a substantial pro-life majority, but may be enough to tip one or two other states into Biden’s column. That is the entire point.”

Maher Admits Murder: This week TV Host Bill Maher publicly admitted that abortion is murder. On this week’s edition of ‘Real Time’ on HBO, Maher shocked the audience by saying, “They [pro-lifers] think it’s murder. And it kind of is. I’m just okay with that. I am. I mean there’s 8 billion people in the world. I’m sorry, we won’t miss you. That’s my position on that.” Most pro-abortion advocates deny, or dance around, this truth, but not Maher. He’s right that abortion is murder, but cares so little for his fellow man that he has accepted the mass murder of unborn babies. 

“Maher’s comments remind me of the reaction of the head of the National Organization of Women when I told her, in a private meeting, how Chinese women were being forcibly aborted,” says Mr. Mosher.  “She said ‘I’m personally opposed to forced abortion, but China does have a population problem.’ The myth of overpopulation is a myth that kills.”

Leading Cause of Death: Planned Parenthood’s 2022-2023 annual report revealed that the organization provided a total of 392,715 abortions. If the CDC factored child deaths caused by abortion into their “Leading Causes of Death” data, that would make Planned Parenthood-performed abortions the fourth leading cause of death, behind heart disease, cancer, and Covid-19. The annual report also showed that the use of every other service that Planned Parenthood offers, besides abortion, decreased. Between 2022 and 2023, preventive-care visits fell by 31.0 percent, pap tests fell by 13.5 percent, cancer screenings fell by 1.4 percent, and adoption referrals fell by 4.5 percent. Planned Parenthood is becoming more focused on being solely an abortion provider and nothing else. 

“While Trump cut funding to Planned Parenthood, Biden has increased it,” says Mr. Mosher.  “This is only one of the stark differences between the two candidates that everyone should keep in mind.”

Abortion Trafficking Bill: Last week, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee advanced legislation that would protect minors from abortion trafficking. The legislation would make it illegal for adults to help minors get an abortion without parental consent. Yet, Democrats are still objecting to any limit on abortion. Democrats are claiming that this bill “could result in young victims needing approval from their parents who may have raped them in order to terminate the pregnancies.” This is yet another hypothetical, and rare, situation that Democrats will use to their advantage. Thankfully, the GOP-controlled Senate signed off on the proposal 26-3, which means the bill is advancing toward the floor in the House. 


Good News

Protected From the Earthquake: On April 3rd, Taiwan was hit with the strongest earthquake in 25 years. While many were focused on their own safety, four nurses at the Ma Chérie Postpartum Care Center in Taipei put the safety of the country’s youngest citizens first. When the natural disaster began, the nurses wheeled the thirteen newborn-filled cots to the center of the room, holding them together. This both reduced the amount of tumult the newborns felt and kept the babies away from windows that could have shattered from the quake. These nurses came together to protect the vulnerable. As one of the nurses shared, “Those working in health care can relate. Hopefully our actions inspire people to act with kindness. Please cherish those around you, life is precious.”


Quote of the Week

“It is in the light of the dignity of the human person — a dignity which must be affirmed for its own sake — that reason grasps the specific moral value of certain goods towards which the person is naturally inclined.” 

~Pope Saint John Paul II, Veritatis Splendor 

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