PRI Insider (Volume 3, Issue 2) January 13

In This Issue: 

  • Science Gone Mad
    • From Surrogacy to ‘Babies in a Pod’
    • Canada Kills Vulnerable

PRI in the Media

China’s Citizens Suffer: PRI President Steven Mosher joined Frank Gaffney on Securing America to discuss the horrendous organ harvesting practices in China. China harbors tremendous malevolence towards its own citizens, an attitude that only gets worse when turned towards those in other countries.  


COVID Controversy

No Threat from China: Despite a growing number of countries imposing COVID-19 testing requirements on Chinese passengers, the World Health Organization announced that there is no immediate COVID threat from China. This may be the WHO’s response to China’s threats of retaliation against countries that utilize such measures. 


Deepening Depopulation

Marriage Boosts Fertility: A new study by the Institute for Family Studies confirmed that marriage is linked to higher fertility while divorce is found to suppress childbearing. These statistically supported truths combat the popular idea that divorce and remarriage always result in more total children. 

“As a social scientist, I can tell you that sometimes we set out to prove the obvious,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “In this case, it was obvious to any thinking person that one of the ways that married couples express the permanence of their relationship is by having children.  Raising a child is a joint project that takes 20 years or so–if you’re lucky.  Couples who are merely living together, on the other hand, are less willing to make that kind of long-term commitment.  Or any other kind, for that matter.”

Abortion & the Economy: PRI has brought attention to the imminent population crisis for the past several decades. But ever since the record-slow growth rate recorded in 2021, many people have been catching on. It is estimated that by 2043, annual deaths will exceed annual births. This raises concerns that “we will not have enough people to produce the goods and services, ranging from high-tech equipment to the food on our tables, to sustain a robust economy.”

“Abortion is, above all, a violation of God’s law against taking a human life,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “But it also has economic consequences for society as a whole.  The economic value of a newborn over his or her lifetime is a little less than a million dollars.  That is to say, from birth to death, the average American will produce almost a million dollars more than they will consume.  Looking at it another way, every abortion makes us poorer.”


Communist China

An Official’s Organs: The death of a Chinese official caused a stir after his obituary revealed the many organ transplants he had received to extend his life. Chinese citizens questioned the origins of former Deputy Cultural Minister Gao Zhanxiang’s organs on Weibo, reigniting the anti-organ harvesting movement in the country.  

“Senior leaders of the Chinese Communist Party have always gotten treatments intended to extend their lifespans,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “The late Chairman Mao often received ‘new blood’ from young Chinese.  Over the last few decades, this has included organ transplants as needed, often harvested from young victims who were killed for their organs.”

Cheated and Fired: The Chinese city of Chongqing saw a sudden rise in protests after a COVID-19 test kit factory laid off thousands of workers following the end of Xi’s zero-COVID policy. An eye-witness estimated that several thousand workers were present, spurred on by months of underpaid labor and the loss of their jobs. 

“In the ‘worker’s paradise’ of Communist China, workers are often hired on the promise of good pay, and then paid much less, or not at all,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “Denying a worker his wage is one of the sins that ‘cry out to Heaven for justice.'”


Science Gone Mad

From Surrogacy to ‘Babies in a Pod’: Yet another celebrity couple has chosen to have a baby via surrogate, not for health or fertility reasons but simply because of their “busy schedules.” These individuals contribute to the attempted normalization of the “uterus for rent” movement in the past decade. As “gestational surrogacy” becomes more acceptable, society inches closer to the embrace of the artificial womb in a pod.

Canada Kills Vulnerable: In 2021, Canada euthanized more than 10,000 people and its leaders are pursuing policies designed to kill more. Vulnerable populations, such as Amir Farsound in this article’s introduction, are turning to assisted suicide to solve issues that should be addressed with financial aid and social support. 


Pro-Life Around the World  

Removing All Barriers: The World Health Organization (WHO) has suggested the removal of any legal or policy standard that might impede access to abortion, at any stage of pregnancy, and for any reason. The organization claims that this will aid in creating “supportive” and “quality” care. 

PRI President Steven Mosher says, “As if we aren’t unhappy enough with WHO’s failures on the China Covid pandemic front, the failed organization is now saying that the only good baby is a dead baby.  What is this but a population control endeavor?  Next, they will be fining doctors for not doing abortion referrals, which is the case in Communist South Africa.”


Pro-Life on the Home Front 

 Miscoded Abortions: In a growing trend, women are being miscoded in the ER and treated for a spontaneous abortion when they are suffering from the effects of a chemical abortion. This trend was supported statistically in the data from a longitudinal study conducted between 1999 and 2015. 

PRI President Steven Mosher says, “Once again, as with the mRNA ‘vaccines,’ they will hide their failures by miscoding.  In other words, lying to protect the abortion movement and the abortion pill manufacturers.”

Idaho Upholds Right to Life: Last Thursday, the Idaho Supreme Court voted to uphold the state’s abortion ban and refused to “read a fundamental right to abortion into the text of the Idaho Constitution.” Though this sadly coincided with South Carolina’s opposite decision, it is still a victory for the state to remain one of the forty-seven without a right to abortion in their constitution.

Bishop Speaks Up: The Chairman of the USCCB’s pro-life committee sent a letter to the U.S. House of Representatives urging them to support the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 26). This letter came only a few days after Bishop Burbidge denounced the dangerous allowance of abortion pills to be distributed in pharmacies. 


Good News 

First Baby Saved: The first and only Safe Haven Baby Box, installed in 2020, saved a baby’s life this month. Thanks to the silent alarm triggered by the opening of the temperature-controlled box, the infant was rescued and cared for immediately.


Quote of the Week

“Peace requires before all else the defense of life, a good that today is jeopardized not only by conflicts, hunger and disease, but all too often even in the mother’s womb, through the promotion of an alleged “right to abortion”… I appeal to the consciences of men and women of goodwill, particularly those having political responsibilities, to strive to safeguard the rights of those who are weakest and to combat the throwaway culture that also, tragically, affects the sick, the disabled and the elderly.”

~ Pope Francis, source

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