PRI Insider (Volume 2, Issue 48) December 16

In This Issue: 

PRI in the Media 

An Inability to Explain: This past November, Fauci testified in a federal lawsuit over Big Tech’s censorship of COVID. But he tap-danced around hundreds of questions, repeating over and over again, “I do not recall.”

PRI President Steven Mosher says, “I can’t read the man’s mind (and I’m sure I wouldn’t want to) but it seems to me that Fauci was so obsessed with using Gain of Function research to anticipate the next pandemic that, by recklessly funding the Wuhan lab, he caused one.”

Para nuestros lectores español, el artículo de Steve Mosher está disponible en aquí.


Voices of China: In an expansion on last week’s piece by PRI President Steven Mosher, The American Spectator looks at how the CCP wishes to control Taiwan as it successfully has with China. Taiwan’s existence is “a beacon of freedom and liberty,” that the CCP wants to snuff out permanently.  


Deepening Depopulation

Nigeria’s Military Abortions: Since 2013, the Nigerian army has been carrying out a “secret, systematic and illegal” abortion program. Reuters found that 10,000 pregnancies, ranging from a few weeks gestation to eight months, have been nonconsensually terminated in this past decade.

“The Nigerian military denies these accusations,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “These abortions would be a violation of Nigerian law. Many aid groups operate in the area, including thos connected to the international abortion lobby. Such groups have long promoted abortion as a solution to wartime rape, as PRI proved in Kosovo during an investigation there back in the nineties.  Are they performing illegal abortions in Nigeria?  Stay tuned.”

Billions for Population Control: Known for supporting population control in past decades, Bill Gates just announced a new pledge of $7 billion in African aid. Though Gates claims this will be used to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality, in reality, the money may end up boosting abortion throughout the country.


Communist China 

Zen Appeals: This week, Cardinal Joseph Zen filed an appeal over the Hong Kong high court’s verdict of his trial last month. Zen was joined by the four other trustees of the 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund in this appeal. 


UN Misdeeds 

The Philippines Say No: The Philippine government rejected the United Nations’ recommendations to legalize abortion, divorce, and same-sex marriage. Representatives shared that these recommendations, based on the values of Western countries, are at odds with Philippine culture and traditions, which must be protected. 


Science Gone Mad 

Artificial Womb Factory: The world’s first artificial womb facility, “EctoLife,” is in the works, created by biotechnologist Hashem Al-Ghaili in an attempt to  “alleviate human suffering.” The dystopian idea promises a place where up to 30,000 babies can be designed to certain specifications and grown to term in a year. 

Ban Stays in Place: A Dutch court upheld the Netherlands’ ban on assisted suicide this past week. While the practice of euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, has been legal for twenty years, the country still refuses to allow non-physicians to prescribe lethal drugs, barring the self-administering of said substances. 


Pro-Life Around the World  

Free French Contraceptives: French President Emmanual Macron announced a contraception revolution by making condoms free for all 18 to 25-year-olds. This move expands the government’s offer from earlier this year, which guarantees free birth control for all women under 25.  

“Macron, who was seduced by his 41-year-old drama teacher (now wife) when he was 16, is childless,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “He apparently wants to ensure that a good proportion of France’s population follows him down the extinction road.  Au revoir, France.” 

Denouncing Buffer Zones: The Bishops’ Conference of Scotland has responded to the UK Supreme Court’s institution of “Buffer Zones” around abortion clinics. The Bishops’ joint statement denounced the ruling which erodes hard-won freedoms and fundamental rights in Scotland, along with preventing women from accessing alternatives to abortion.  


Pro-Life on the Home Front 

Forced to Fund Abortion: Last week, senate democrats introduced a bill that would allocate American taxpayer funds to pay for out-of-state abortion travel. The benignly named Reproductive Health Travel Fund Act will authorize $350 million annually to travel, lodging, childcare, and meals all for the sake of abortion if passed. 

The Unborn Child Tax Credit: Earlier this year the Child Tax Credit for Pregnant Moms Act was introduced and now is the time to pass it. The bill would assist new parents, along with those that miscarry or suffer a stillbirth. As writer Carolyn Bolton points out, “It’s silly to create hurdles to parenthood when healthy family life sustains people during tough times.” 

CA’s Abortion Council: California is already an abortion hub in the post-Roe world, but the state still wants to further boost abortion numbers. The California Future of Abortion Council (CA FAB Council) has announced its strategy for achieving this in the coming year and the funding that will be necessary for the project. 


Good News 

Preemie Saves the Day: Baby Maddison was born 12 weeks before her due date, but this early birth ultimately saved her mother’s life. While visiting her baby after the birth, Harriet was examined for her residual abdominal pain. A cancerous growth on one of her ovaries, which could have been fatal had her birth been on schedule, was discovered and removed.


Quote of the Week

“As Christmas approaches… inspire in everyone the enthusiasm to love life, to defend it and to promote it by every legitimate means. This is the best way to celebrate Christmas, by sharing with every person of goodwill the joy of salvation that the incarnate Word brought to the world.”

~Pope Saint John Paul II, source

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