PRI Insider (Volume 2, Issue 13) April 1

PRI Insider  

Volume II, Issue 13 

April 1st, 2022  

In This Issue:  

PRI in the Media 

Door to Abortion Opens: A Jesuit church in Mumbai is looking to change church teaching on key issues, including abortion. This is dangerous, especially in a country that has already lost millions of baby girls to sex-selective abortion. Church Militant highlighted PRI’s research on these devastating numbers. 

Deepening Depopulation 

Italy’s Record Low: Recently released statistics for 2021 further show that Italy’s population is shrinking. For the first time since the unification of Italy in 1861, the number of births was under 400,000. This is the country’s 13th consecutive year with a falling birth rate.  

Fertility Rates Rise: For the first time in a decade, the fertility rates in England and Wales have risen. While the fertility rate of women younger than 24 decreased, it increased by 5% for women between the ages of 35 and 39. Thanks to this boost from older mothers, there was a 1.5% increase in live births from 2020 to 2021.   


Communist China  

Taking Down Religion: The CCP is pushing new tactics to destroy religion designed by Xi Jinping called “Sinicization.” This process will reform religious circles to Xi’s specifications, only allowing those that fully conform to Marxism and the Communist agenda.  

“The new directive makes clear what I have been saying for several years,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “That the CCP only allows religious organizations to exist because they serve, in effect, as an extension of the Party.  The directive says that any religious group that does not teach socialism and the Party line, and does not teach its members to love the Party and socialism is a ‘backward’ religion engaged in ‘illegal religious activities,’ and is to be stamped out.” 


UN Misdeeds  

Visit Pending: The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has announced a visit to Xinjiang. Scheduled for May 2022, the goal of this trip is allegedly to look into the ongoing abuses of Uyghur Muslims. But the only way to accomplish an official visit was through cooperation with the CCP. Many human rights groups are watching anxiously to see if any real change will be accomplished. 

“Chinese Communist officials are masters at arranging guided tours for visiting officials to cover up their crimes,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “The UN Human Rights chief, who cannot read, write, or speak Chinese, will be led down the primrose path.  She will hear only from Uyghurs who are committed Communists, and visit concentration camps that she will be told are ‘vocational schools.’” 


Science Gone Mad  

Residency Rule Gone: Thanks to a recent lawsuit, Oregon will no longer require that individuals seeking assisted suicide be residents of the state. The lawsuit challenged the requirement as unconstitutional. Now that these requirements have been taken down for one state, eight others with similar laws may be next.  

“The State of Oregon is encouraging euthanasia tourism,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “Inviting people from all across America to visit the state if they want to end their lives.  The fruits of Progressivism are abortion, infanticide, and death.” 


Pro-Life Around the World  

DIY Abortion Vote: Top NHS doctors and nurses are standing up against permanently allowing “DIY” abortions. These individuals have vocalized fears that patients could be coerced into abortion by those around them. They also recognize the dangers of younger adults (18-25) attempting an at-home abortion without any in-person assessment of their physical or mental state.  

Free Speech in Finland: A Finnish court has dismissed charges of “hate speech” brought against Finnish MP Päivi Räsänen and Bishop Juhana Pohjola. Both were charged for publicly sharing their faith-based view, Räsänen with the public and the bishop with his congregation. 

“Would that all justices took the position of the Finnish Court,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “It is emphatically not the business of any human court to weaken or overturn the laws of God. Solzhenitsyn once said that the only place in Russia where he could have an honest conversation was in the Gulag.  As Christians are driven out of the public square, off social media, and unrepresented in the pages of our major dailies, let us hope that will not be our fate.” 


Pro-Life on the Home Front 

Infanticide Incoming: Following Maryland’s footsteps, California has put forth a bill that would legalize infanticide. According to this bill, AB 2223, no charges can be brought against mothers whose children die of neglect prior to 6 weeks of age.  

A Massive Donation: MacKenzie Scott, ex-wife of infamous Jeff Bezos, donated $275 million to Planned Parenthood in her crusade for “equity.” It is the largest donation that the organization has ever received.  

“MacKenzie Scott says that her ‘aim has been to support the needs of underrepresented people from groups of all kinds. The cause of equity has no sides,’ ” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “But what about the most underrepresented group of all—the unborn.  Her $275 million donation to Planned Parenthood will only serve to fatten the coffers of an organization that targets the most vulnerable human beings of all.”   

Following the Leader: According to the Guttmacher Institute, 2022 is already shaping up to be “devastating” for abortion rights. Multiple states are following in Texas’s pro-life footsteps, including Idaho, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Missouri, and Wyoming.  


Good News 

Double the Love: 15 years ago, Lydia Crandall was urged to abort her twin baby girls due to a diagnosis that was 80-100% fatal. Her babies had early-onset and severe Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. Instead of resorting to abortion, Lydia chose the more unstable route of in-utero surgery and months of uncertainty. Today, her twin girls are 14-years-old and doing well.  


Quote of the Week 

“As I reflect on my ordeal, I realize God doesn’t make mistakes. His timing and His will are not our own. Even when we don’t understand the trials and tribulations in our lives, what we are going through is part of a bigger plan.” 

~Lydia Crandall 

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