PRI Insider (Volume 4, Issue 5) February 2

In This Issue: The Chinese government’s efforts to push the three-child policy, updated in 2021, and increase childbearing seem to have made very little difference. To Mr. Mosher this is unsurprising, as he has shared in the past, “I can’t think of any combination of bribes or incentives that could induce young women to marry and have those children.” If the birth rate does not improve, Mr. Mosher fears a future order from the CCP requiring women to marry and produce several children. While he admits that it’s an outrageous concept, Mr. Mosher points out that it is no more outrageous than the one-child policy, which the CCP used to insert contraception devices and perform abortions on women without consent.

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PRI Insider (Volume 4, Issue 4) January 26

In This Issue: President Biden is once again signaling how pro-abortion his administration is committed to being. Biden and his wife have extended an invitation to the Texas woman who sued her state for not being able to get an abortion, Kate Cox. When Cox found out that her unborn baby had Trisomy-18, a rare genetic disorder, she immediately wanted an abortion. She created a publicity storm in Texas and then traveled out of the state to abort her baby. Now, she will serve as Biden’s poster child for why abortion-on-demand should be the law of the land. 

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PRI Insider (Volume 4, Issue 3) January 18

In This Issue: The South American pro-life movement has won a major victory in Peru! This past November, the Peruvian Congress approved Law No. 785, also known as the “Law that Recognizes Rights to the Conceived.” This law determines that life begins at conception and recognizes the unborn baby in the womb as legally protected. The government has even established that “the child, both born and unborn, has its own identity, including a unique and unrepeatable genetic identity and a personality independent of his mother.”

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PRI Insider (Volume 4, Issue 2) January 12

In This Issue: This past Monday, Pope Francis condemned surrogacy as a “deplorable” practice and called for a universal ban. In his Audience with the Diplomatic Corps, the Holy Father specifically called for an end to the practice in the quest for peace. The world cannot work towards peace when the trafficking of infants, starting in the womb, continues to violate the dignity of both the women and children involved.

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PRI Insider (Volume 4, Issue 1) January 5

In This Issue: Kate Cox’s case spread a clear message across the United States: the only answer to a terminal prenatal diagnosis is abortion. But pro-life experts are on a mission to show that this isn’t true. Organizations around the country offer perinatal hospice and palliative care for infants who may not have long to live after birth. Dr. John Bruchalski’s Tepeyac OB/GYN is one such organization, which offers “specialized medical, spiritual and emotional support for families that receive a prenatal diagnosis indicating their baby may die before or soon after birth.” The clinic supports both the mother and child from the time of diagnosis through the baby’s death. Its program is just one of hundreds across the nation that offers mothers an alternative to abortion. 

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PRI Insider (Volume 3, Issue 52) December 29

In This Issue: Pro-abortion activist groups are attempting to pass an amendment in Florida that would codify a right to abortion in the state’s constitution. The “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion” would create a new section in the Florida Constitution “limiting government interference with abortion.” It stipulates, “No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.”

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