PRI Insider (Volume 3, Issue 8) February 24

In This Issue: 

  • Pro-Life on the Home Front
    • When to Deny Communion
    • National Archives Settles
    • Kentucky Ban Upheld
    • Utah Goes After Clinics
    • Activists in Ohio
    • Victim or Non-Person?
    • Natural Family Under Attack


PRI in the Media

Transhumanism Part II: There is an inherent link between the transgender movement and the rise of transhumanism. In this second half of Church Militant’s dive into transhumanism, PRI President Steven Mosher shares his thoughts on this obvious connection.  

He shared, “The parallel here between transhumanism and transgender because the transgender people think what? They think they have the right to change the biological reality of gender through the use of science and medicine and that scientists and physicians have the right to remold society to the point where gender is now a fluid concept. Well, take that and transpose it over to transhumanism. It’s the same idea.” 


COVID Controversy

Pfizer Director Concerned: A Project Veritas Journalist spoke with Pfizer’s director, Jordan Walker. Over the course of the discussion, Walker admitted two main points. He acknowledged that the vaccine causes cycle irregularities and that he, and his team, have no explanation for that side effect. 

“Rates of miscarriages and stillbirths are way up,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “And the timing coincides with the release of the vaccine. Some of the vax’s spike protein ends up in the reproductive organs, where it may be wreaking havoc with the delicate, even miraculous, processes of embryonic development.”


Deepening Depopulation

Demographic Midnight: Japan has been in demographic decline for over twenty years, but more depressing evidence of this fact has come to light. Thousands of “witch houses” exist in neighborhoods across the country. These homes were abandoned by their previous owners, many of whom were elderly individuals that passed away inside, alone, only discovered many days later.   

“PRI has been warning of the demographic collapse of Japan for a quarter century,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “And has published articles in the pages of Japanese newspapers. But the depopulation train has left the station. Japan’s decline in people presages a decline in economic growth and a decline in Japan’s standing in the world. Sayonara.”

Mass Seppuku: A Japanese professor at Yale suggested a radical proposal to “solve” the elderly crisis in Japan. Professor Yusuke Narita suggested that mass suicide of the elderly is the “only solution.” He later clarified that he was not suggesting the introduction of such a policy, but predicts that it will become more broadly discussed. 

“We in the pro-life movement have always known that euthanasia is the flip side of the coin of abortion,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “But mandatory euthanasia conjures up images of elderly Japanese shuffling off to the ovens. In a decent age, such a proposal by a university ‘professor’ would be grounds for termination. But the indoctrination factories known as universities have long since abandoned any moral or ethical standards.”


Communist China

Marxist Modernization: Xi Jinping announced his new “non-Western” plan for modernization. Xi claims this plan, which supposedly blends Chinese tradition and Marxism, will lead to “a new form of human civilization.” 

Erasing Christians: ChinaAid released its annual persecution report for 2022. Unsurprisingly, the Chinese Communist Party continues to target Christians, with the “hope to erase” Christianity completely. 

“As I told Cardinal Parolin, the Vatican’s Secretary of State, several years ago, it is not possible to reach any kind of accommodation with the Chinese Communist over religious freedom,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “The only religion that the CCP will allow to exist in China in the future is Communism.”

Longer Leaves: This month, some Chinese provinces started allowing longer paid marriage leave to promote both marriage and childbearing. The minimum paid leave in China is 3 days, but the provinces of Gansu and Shanxi now offer 30, while Shanghai offers 10.  


UN Misdeeds

Bad Faith in the EU: In a difficult UN negotiation, traditional countries accused the EU and other progressive nations of “brinkmanship and bad faith.” The negotiation resulted in success for traditional countries, with a social development policy that includes references to the importance of family and family-oriented policy. 


Pro-Life Around the World

Pope Francis & the PAL: This week, Pope Francis joined the Pontifical Academy for Life for a two-day workshop titled, “Converging on the person: Emerging Technologies for the Common Good.” In his workshop address, the Pope reminded his audience that technology must always serve human dignity and integral human development.  

Not Guilty: The U.K. woman charged with “thought crime” for silently praying outside an abortion clinic was acquitted of all charges. She shared the following statement outside the court: 

“I’m glad I’ve been vindicated of any wrongdoing. But I should never have been arrested for my thoughts and treated like a criminal simply for silently praying on a public street. When it comes to censorship zones, peaceful prayer and attempts to offer help to women in crisis pregnancies are now being described as either ‘criminal’ or ‘anti-social.’ But what is profoundly anti-social are the steps now being taken to censor freedom of speech, freedom to offer help, freedom to pray and even freedom to think. We must stand firm against this and ensure that these most fundamental freedoms are protected, and that all our laws reflect this.” 

Murder for Minors: A Canadian committee is calling for the even more liberal use of assisted suicide. One major change, amongst many, would allow minors to be euthanized without parental consent, even if their parents are vehemently opposed.  


Pro-Life on the Home Front

When to Deny Communion: Thousands of clergy members will receive a book containing instructions on when to deny someone Holy Communion. The book, written by Cardinal Burke, was published and spread by Catholic Action for Faith and Family. It is a direct response to politicians, such as President Joe Biden, who claim to be Catholic but publicly support abortion.   

National Archive Settles: Following up on the lawsuit included in last week’s Insider, the National Archives has agreed to settle the case filed by the censored pro-lifers. The organization offered both a public and private apology and will be giving the affected individuals a private tour.  

Kentucky Ban Upheld: Last week, the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled that the enforcement of the state’s two abortion bans was wrongfully stopped by a lower court. The trigger law and heartbeat ban are now back to saving little lives. 

Utah Goes After Clinics: The Utah House of Representatives advanced some of the strongest pro-life legislation since the overturn of Roe. If passed by the Senate and signed into life, this legislation would shut down clinics that only provide abortion. This would be a step in the right direction for the state, which still allows elective abortion up to 18 weeks. 

Activists in Ohio: Pro-abortion activists are pushing a radical ballot initiative to enshrine abortion in the state’s constitution. If passed, the ballot’s vague language will protect all reproductive decisions including, “contraception, fertility treatment, continuing one’s own pregnancy, miscarriage care, and abortion.” 

Victim or Non-Person?: A murder case in Massachusetts highlighted the double standard that exists in the treatment of unborn babies. Though considered victims in cases of homicide, the unborn are still considered non-persons when it comes to abortion. 

Natural Family Under Attack:  Many surveys and studies have confirmed that children are safest in families with a married mother and father. But South Dakota State Rep. Erin Healy lashed out in response to the Family Heritage Alliance sharing this fact. Calling the group “extremist,” Healy claimed that this belief is “dangerous and un-American.” 


Good News 

A Chance to Fight: A U.K. mum, Marie Stockdale, was offered a selective abortion when one of her twin girls, Ava, was diagnosed with issues in-utero. But Marie refused in order to “give her [daughter] a chance to fight.” Today, both of the twins are doing well, with Ava getting stronger each day. 


Quote of the Week

“God wants all of us to realize that he’s the author of life. That he is the one writing the story of all of our lives, and that he doesn’t make mistakes.”

~ Sister Mary Casey, source

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