PRI Insider (Volume 3, Issue 23) June 9

In This Issue: 

    • Babies in Red, Bust in Blue
    • Aging in Fractured Families 
    • Falling Population
    • Seventh Year of Decline
    • Scotland Breaks Record
    • Trudeau Exposed
    • Argentina Eases Access


PRI in the Media

Effects of Woke Diplomacy: PRI’s Christopher Manion spent years on Capitol Hill defending human life against massive opposition from U.S. Government agencies that promote population control at home and abroad. In a recent interview with Westminster Institute Director Robert Reilly, former Director of the Voice of America, Dr. Manion examined the damage wrought by the Biden Administration’s poisonous advocacy of sexual perfidy as its leading foreign policy priority.

“Since the first weeks of his administration, Joe Biden has pandered to the Left by proclaiming that ‘Brave lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex plus activists’ represent a ‘reflection of our most dearly held values,” Dr. Manion explains. “He is making U.S. Foreign Policy an object of ridicule throughout the world.”

A Pro-Family Crusade: This week, Chiara Mosher, PRI’s New Media Specialist, appeared on The New American. She joined Rebecca Terrell to discuss “Hungary’s Pro-Family Crusade to Reclaim its Christian Heritage.” Much of the interview was based on President of Hungary Katalin Novak’s visit to Ave Maria University in March. 


Deepening Depopulation

Babies in Red, Bust in Blue: On average, the United States as a whole saw a baby bust during the COVID pandemic. But while many states saw decreases in their fertility rates, some actually saw increases. New data, published in April, shows that while Democratic-leaning states had a baby bust, Republican-leaning states had a baby boom. 

“Reading this study, it is clear that it wasn’t the ‘pandemic’ that negatively affected birth rates,” says Mr. Mosher. “It was rather the panicked reaction of state governments to the idea that there was a deadly virus on the loose. Which states panicked? Mostly those with Democrat governors and Democrat voters. They locked down harder and longer. Birth rates in those states collapsed as a result. In many Republican-controlled states, the birth rate actually rose.”

Aging in Fractured Families: Puerto Rico’s population is quickly aging, a problem made worse by the mass emigration of young people. In the last fifteen years, 700,000 Puerto Ricans–aged 20 to 64–have left the country. Traditionally, families would rely on multi-generational homes to care for the elderly, but this mass exodus will leave many in their old age without caregivers.  

Falling Population: According to recent Census Bureau estimates, the population in many left-wing states fell between 2021 and 2022 while the population in many right-wing states rose. Hundreds of thousands left California, New York, and Illinois. While the top three states to grow were Texas, Florida, and North Carolina.  

“People are fleeing states which kill babies, enterprises, and jobs,” says Mr. Mosher. “And moving to those which protect life, value individual initiative, and encourage growth.”

Seventh Year of Decline: Japan’s Ministry of Health announced the population data for 2022 and it hasn’t improved. For the seventh year in a row, Japan’s fertility rate fell. The total fertility rate fell to 1.26, a low that the country hasn’t seen since 2005. Tokyo’s fertility rate was the lowest at 1.08, while the Okinawa Prefecture held the highest at 1.80.  


Communist China

Arresting Activists: This year is the 34th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen massacre. Unsurprisingly, the Hong Kong police arrested activists who were publicly marking this event. These arrests were a further sign that Beijing will not tolerate freedom of expression. 

“In China, people are not allowed to mourn for those killed by the Chinese Communist Party, especially those killed in and around Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989,” says Mr. Mosher.  “The CCP itself admits that an accurate account of the history of the ‘New China’ is a mortal danger to their continued rule. And it is. Because the Communist Chinese have killed more human beings than any other government in human history.”


UN Misdeeds

Restrictions Labeled Racist: New UN human rights recommendations have branded abortion restrictions as “racial discrimination.” This redefinition of abortion restrictions was included in the first draft of “General Recommendations on Racial Discrimination in the Enjoyment of the Right to Health.” 


Science Gone Mad

A Personalized Death: A funeral home in Canada is now offering a “personalized” euthanasia service. Starting at $700, Complexe Funéraire du Haut-Richelieu will arrange for an individual to have wine or watch a movie while they are killed. Euthanasia, a dangerous practice, is now not only being normalized but also further monetized. 

Doubles Down on Death: In a recent interview, pro-abortion bioethicist Peter Singer reiterated some of his most controversial beliefs. Singer believes it is acceptable to kill infants and people with intellectual disabilities. His entire defense for this horrific opinion is subjective, based upon what he considers to fall short of “quality of life.”


Pro-Life Around the World

Scotland Breaks Record: In 2022, the number of abortions in Scotland was the highest ever on record. The statistics, released by Public Health Scotland on June 1st, showed a 19.08% increase in the total from the year before. Along with the total increase was an 84% increase in the number of abortions involving babies with Down syndrome.

Trudeau Exposed: A pro-life researcher called out Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Canadian government for majorly funding a pro-euthanasia advocacy group. The Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers (CAMAP) received over $3 million in government funding in 2021 alone. For comparison, in 2018 the same organization only received $41,480.

Argentina Eases Access: Last week, the Argentinian government announced a prescription would no longer be required for the morning-after pill. This easing of access to emergency contraception is a step in the wrong direction for the traditionally conservative country.  


Pro-Life on the Home Front

An Upcoming Rally: For the first anniversary of the overturn of Roe, leading pro-life organizations will hold a rally in D.C. The “National Celebrate Life Day” will be held on June 24th from 10:30 AM to Noon at the Lincoln Memorial. Students for Life of America, 40 Days for Life, Live Action, and Pro-Life Partners Foundation are co-hosting this exciting event.

Crisis Centers Persist: Despite their best efforts, California Democrats have been unable to regulate crisis pregnancy centers out of existence. Each of their attempts has been ruled unconstitutional. Instead of being driven out, these centers are doing more as donations increase in response to the passage of radical state abortion legislation. 

Lawsuit in Kansas: Abortion providers sued Kansas this week over both old and new requirements regarding abortion. The decades-old waiting period before an abortion is under attack, as is the new requirement to share information about the abortion pill reversal. The latter was set to go into effect on July 1st. 


Good News

A Pro-Life Photobomb: Catholic NFL football player Harrison Butker sported pro-life attire during the Kansas City Chief’s visit to the White House. Visible behind pro-abortion President Biden in the press release, Butker’s tie has the phrase “Protect the Most Vulnerable” written on it in Latin.

Regarding this choice of apparel, Butker shared, “I want to give the most vulnerable, the unborn, a voice at a place where every effort has been made to allow and normalize the tragic termination of their lives.” 


Quote of the Week

“As a father who has experienced three miscarriages, my wife and I understand the hardships that come with losing a child. Every life is precious and should be valued whether outside or inside the womb.”

~ Harrison Butker, NFL Kicker, Kansas City Chiefs, source

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