PRI Insider (Volume 3, Issue 17) April 28

In This Issue: 

  • Communist China
    • The CCP Among Us
    • Border Control Tightens
    • Marian Shrines Open
  • UN Misdeeds
    • Killing Saves Lives?
    • Rebelling Against Redefinition
    • Paglia’s Approval
    • Bishops Get Involved
    • Yes to Life
  • Pro-Life on the Home Front
    • Planned Parenthood in Review
    • Locals Take Action
    • A Person or Not?
    • Protesting the Death Law
    • A Tug of War
    • New Family Measures


Deepening Depopulation

Demographics is Destiny: According to a UNFPA report, India is set to overtake China as the most populous country, if it hasn’t already. But beyond sheer numbers, India has the advantage of younger population. As Tesla CEO Elon Musk concisely said, “Demographics is destiny.” 

Moderns Abolish the Family: A left-leaning writer is advocating for the abolition of the family. Author Sophie Lewis would prefer the world to turn to “gestational communism,” where traditional bonds of love are erased and children are property of the state.  


Communist China

The CCP Among Us: The Chinese Communist Party was caught operating around one hundred overseas police stations, in over fifty countries. At least seven of these illegal operations were in the United States. As of today, the justice department charged two U.S. citizens for involvement in this operation. 

Border Control Tightens: China abandoned its zero-COVID closed border protocol in December, but border tightening is back. Authorities are conducting extensive checks on all passengers booked to leave the country. Any individuals seen as “politically sensitive” are interrogated and indefinitely detained.

Marian Shrines Open: After three years of pandemic control, Catholic shrines in China are opening in time for the month of Mary. Chinese Catholic communities prepare for the Marian devotions they will undertake in May.  


UN Misdeeds

Killing Saves Lives?: Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus, head of the WHO, made disturbing abortion claims in response to the mifepristone case in the United States. Ghebreyesus is adamant that “access to safe abortion is healthcare that saves lives.” His insistence that death will save lives is contradictory. It also blatantly ignores the dangers that accompany the abortion pills in particular. 

Rebelling Against Redefinition: Poland and Hungary made an uncharacteristic break from the rest of the EU during UN negotiations last week. Both countries were unyielding on the topic of gender, sticking to the traditional definition of “men and women in the context of society.” This opposed Western countries, which want gender to include, “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and others based on sexual orientation and gender identity.” 


Science Gone Mad

Always About Death: Pro-abortion activists like to claim that mifepristone has many functions and benefits besides being an abortifacient. But at its core, mifepristone was developed for the sole purpose of killing unborn babies. Étienne-Émile Baulieu, known as the “Father of the Abortion Pill,” was very clear about this endeavor and its success. 

Robotic Intervention: Two recently-born baby girls are the result of the world’s first robotic fertilization. Designed by researchers in Barcelona, a sperm-injecting robot now exists to further dehumanize the conception of little embryonic humans. The start-up responsible, Overture Life, wants to use this technology to make IVF less expensive and much more common.  


Pro-Life Around the World

Paglia’s Approval: In a shocking admission, Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, voiced approval for laws legitimizing assisted suicide. He attempted to justify this admission by saying, “Personally, I would not perform suicide assistance, but I understand that legal mediation may be the greatest common good actually possible in our present living conditions.” Paglia’s statement does not reflect the clear stance of the Catholic Church against assisted suicide.

Bishops Get Involved: Scotland’s bishops are getting involved in politics for the sake of life. The bishops are urging parliament to reject the recent proposal to decriminalize abortion. If the proposal passes, it would leave Scotland with one of the most extreme abortion policies in the world. 

Yes to Life: Thousands of people, supported by over five-hundred organizations, marched for life in Madrid. This “Yes to Life” march, with its testimonies and manifesto, reaffirmed the pro-life movement in Spain. 


Pro-Life on the Home Front

Planned Parenthood in Review: Planned Parenthood finally released its 2022 annual report. Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade, abortions predictably fell by thousands, though a total of 374,155 still occurred. While abortions decreased, government funding increased by tens of millions. In total, over $670 million in taxpayers funds was funneled into its abortion industry. 

Locals Take Action: Small towns in New Mexico are taking pro-life action against chemical abortions. One town in particular, Edgewood, just passed an ordinance that prohibits the distribution of abortion supplies or medication by mail. These actions will add up in the battle to reclaim their state from the pro-abortion movement. 

“I have been to New Mexico many times to speak,” says PRI President Steven Mosher, “and the majority of the state — outside the leftist redoubts of Albuquerque and Santa Fe — is solidly pro-life.  They do not want abortuaries in their communities.”

A Person or Not?: Two weeks ago, Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) mounted an attack against the unborn. The HHS issued a proposal to redefine “person,” “natural person,” and “individual” to exclude the unborn. If this HHS rule passes, it will be yet another instance of the Biden administration twisting laws and language to benefit the abortion industry. 

Protesting the Death Law: On Tuesday, disability rights activists sued to overturn California’s physician-assisted death law. The advocates argue that the law makes it too easy for individuals without imminent deaths to commit suicide. Further, their case is built upon the obvious violations of both the U.S. Constitution and the Americans with Disabilities Act.  

A Tug of War: One week ago, the Supreme Court issued an order allowing mifepristone to remain widely available. Whether it will remain available permanently is still a matter of debate. The court is considering an appeal in the case, oral arguments for which are scheduled for May 17th.  

“The Supreme Court’s default position is to keep the existing order in place while it is being adjudicated,” says PRI President Steven Mosher, “So this decision is not only not unexpected, but also does not indicate that the majority of the Court actually favors its continued use.  Let us pray the pro-life majority sees this abortion drug for the human pesticide that it is.”

New Family Measures: This month, Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves brought the “New Pro-Life Agenda” to the forefront. His newly established legislation will provide financial aid for pregnancy resource centers, adoption expenses, safe haven boxes, and more. 


Good News

A Courageous Conversion: Last week, Live Action News interviewed a former abortionist who had the conversion of a lifetime. Dr. John Bruchalski was an average OB/GYN who routinely performed abortions until God intervened at Medjugorje. From then on, Dr. Bruchalski fervently reclaimed his pro-life roots, going on to found a fully pro-life clinic that offered women holistic, life-affirming care. 

“Dr. John–as we fondly call him–is an old and dear friend of the Moshers, having delivered our last two children,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “Our Lady directly intervened to put him on the right path when he was a young doctor, and the lives of many, many unborn children have been saved as a result. His autobiography makes for stunning reading.”


Quote of the Week

“Abortion is never the answer for a difficult or unintended pregnancy, as it always ends one life and risks another. Meaningful compassion for both mothers and children is needed. We will continue to advocate for policies that put women and families first, serve women in need, and pray for the day when ending the lives of preborn children will become unthinkable.”

~ Bishop Burbidge, source

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