PRI Insider (Volume 2, Issue 8) February 25

In This Issue: 

    • The Hillsdale Hour 
    • The Propaganda Games 
    • A Forced Pregnancy Future 
    • Behind the Decline 
    • Population not at Fault 
    • Not Enough People 
    • Safe to Wed Young 


PRI in the Media 

The Hillsdale Hour: PRI President Steven Mosher joined Scot Bertram for the Radio Free Hillsdale Hour. In light of Bully of Asia being re-released in paperback, Bertram posed the question of what forces stop China from following Japan and South Korea to democratization. This can be boiled down to the CCP which interrupted the democratization process in 1949 and continues to prevent it today.  Segment begins at 20:00 

The Propaganda Games: The 2022 Olympics have been a showcase of propaganda, more than a display of athletic talent. The CCP has gone to great lengths to hide their heinous actions and multitude of human rights abuses, as the Games proceed. In the words of PRI President Steven Mosher, “The Olympics are supposed to be a celebration of the human spirit. This Winter Olympics was about a propaganda exercise to make the regime look good in the eyes of the world.” 

A Forced Pregnancy Future?: Although the CCP expected a baby boom after the end of the one-child policy, the country’s birth rate has hit the lowest in recorded history. Scrambling to alter this doomed future, the CCP has limited abortion access and expanded fertility services. If the situation does not improve, PRI President Steven Mosher predicts, “(The government) will begin to force young women to become pregnant. It will begin to force them to carry their pregnancies to term, force them to bear children.” 


Deepening Depopulation 

Behind the Decline: Researcher Lyman Stone examined the effect of “fur baby” trends on family growth. Although pet ownership does not make the top ten reasons that people postpone having children, it is a symptom of a shifting culture. Having a family has been bumped as a priority, with many people seeking increasingly hard to find stability before even considering children.  

Population not at Fault: The Buhari government of Nigeria has blamed overpopulation as the reason for their failure. But the true fault exists in their own incompetence. The government squanders the advantages they could have with their large population, while pushing contraceptives and abortion to instead dwindle these precious human resources. 

Not Enough People: Jordan Peterson has responded and supported Elon Musk’s prediction of population collapse. He called out the overpopulation myth of the 1960s, still touted today despite none of its predictions having come true. Peterson predicts the world will face a “terrible shortage” of young people, due to this attitude of hatred towards humans, and without them the world cannot function.  

“Well-known philosopher Jordan Peterson espies the coming demographics collapse. By the time the captain of the Titanic saw the iceberg, it was too late to turn aside,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “So it is with the greying of America. We need to put robust pro-life, pro-family policies in place now, before the population crashes.” 

Safe to Wed Young: Research has emerged supporting the success of young marriage without previous cohabitation. Previously the popular attitude of waiting until 30 was statistically backed up for a successful marriage and low divorce rate. Now it is known that young marriages (between 22 and 30) with no cohabitation are even more successful than marriages post-30 that involve living together. Both of these are more successful than marriages in the mid-20s that involve previous cohabitation, which often end in divorce.  

“Cohabitation is preparation for divorce, since it necessarily implies the lack of the kind of commitment that will carry a couple through good times and bad,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.   


Communist China 

The Enemy Within: Conservative news organization The Daily Wire has released a 5-episode documentary titled “China: The Enemy Within”. Hosted by acclaimed journalist Lee Smith, the series details the corruption of American elites who put the safety of regular Americans at risk through their financial dealings with China. The people and organizations highlighted are Fauci, Biden, Universities, The NBA, and Hollywood. 

The Chained Woman: A vlogger exposed the abuse of a women in China on the social media platform Douyin. The video, which sparked global outrage, showed a woman chained to a small shed in the cold. A county statement was released about the woman, but the public has pushed back against this official answer and attempted to find out the truth about what could be the result of human trafficking.  

“The mystery of the chained woman is no mystery,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “There is a lively traffic in the buying and selling of young women in China because of the shortage of brides, which itself is a result of the one child policy.  The chained woman was trafficked at the tender age of 13 and its now 38.  She was essentially a sex slave for all of the men in the Dong family, kept for sexual gratification and to bear children for the clan.  She bore eight in all.  Radical feminists, many of whom applauded China’s one-child policy, ought to take note.” 


Science Gone Mad 

Casual Death: As governments push for euthanasia to become common practice, Professor Margaret Somerville attempts to explain the effects of a world that allows casual death. Casual death ultimately translates to a complete loss of meaning and hope. It causes an individual to interpret the temporary inability to visualize the future as meaning that it is time to die.   

The Pregnancy Predictor: Four years ago in Argentina, Microsoft invented an algorithm for predicting teen pregnancy on a new platform for social intervention. The intentions of the project were never made clear nor what would happen after a girl was labeled as “predestined for motherhood.” The project was suspected of having ties to eugenic thinking and population control. The project was unregulated and unreviewed, with no assessment how these girls were affected by this research and labeling.  


Pro-Life Around the World

Follow the Money: Hungary and Poland may lose EU subsidies for not complying with rulings of the top court. One major source of contention has been the LGBT movement, as parts of Poland still have “LGBT-free zones” and Hungary restricted LGBT materials as part of child protection law.

Director of PRI’s Rome office Katarina Carranco states, “This article does not even mention the word abortion, instead they use the LGBT argument as an example of ‘one such fight’ that Hungary and Poland have ongoing with the EU but there is absolutely no doubt that abortion is certainly included among such fights and that’s why they want to make them abide by the EU rules.” 

Abortion Loyalty: European leaders have ramped up the pressure for abortion rights and funds. During 2020, European governments donated a total of €2.6 billion to advance the practice around the world. Along with this, intolerance for any countries that oppose the abortion agenda has also increased.  


Pro-Life on the Home Front 

Abortion on Demand Act: A vote will soon be held for the Women’s Health Protection Act. Deceptively named, this act would codify the precedent set by Roe v. Wade, and late-term abortion part of federal law. It would strip states of almost all pro-life laws.  

Abortions Way Down: In the first month of the Heartbeat Bill in action, abortions fell by 60%. 5,400 abortions were performed in August, but the stat fell to 2,200 in September. As abortion numbers fall, this directly translates to babies’ lives saved, with both women and babies spared the harm of abortion.  

“PRI has been encouraging states to pass Heartbeat Bills,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “Here’s the reason why: They save lots and lots of babies from death at the hands of abortionists.” 


Good News 

Sign Saves Life: A sign held by a 71-year old pro-life advocate saved the life of an unborn child. A young mother-to-be saw Barney Sullivan’s sign outside a hospital in Canada and approached to tell him, “You know, I was going in for an abortion, but this is a sign to me that I’ve got to keep my baby.” 


Quote of the Week 

“This idea that ‘the planet has too many people on it’—There is no sentiment more implicitly genocidal than that statement.” 

~Jordan Peterson, source 

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