PRI Insider (Volume 2, Issue 5) February 4

In This Issue: 

PRI in the Media 

Beijing Boycott: Beginning this week, the Olympics have moved forward despite reports of lockdowns in Beijing. There have been plenty of reasons to boycott these Genocide Games, yet the Biden administration continues to ignore them all.  

Disastrous Baby Bust: China’s birth rate has hit the lowest number ever recorded, as Chinese women are averaging only 1.3 children. Desperate to slam the brakes on the falling population crisis, the CCP has adopted pro-birth propaganda. This is a far cry from the anti-natal view of the past several decades.  

Caught Red-handed: Peter Schweizer has exposed how twenty-three former U.S. senators and congressmen became lobbyists for companies linked with communist China. Schweizer argues “too many former politicians are making bundles of money representing these interests in the corridors of Washington power”. 


Communist China 

Artificial Caregivers: Chinese scientists have developed an AI “nanny” to watch over embryos in artificial wombs. With mass production of embryos easier to sustain, these scientists look forward to one day using this technology to repopulate China. 

“Some years ago, famous abortionist-turned-pro-lifer Bernard Nathanson told me that Chinese scientists were raising babies in artificial wombs,” said PRI President Steven Mosher. “But at three months gestation, the babies all died.  With China desperately short of babies, they’ve obviously continued working on artificial wombs and some sort of machine to keep watch over them.  We should all pray that their evil experiment fails, and not least for the many innocent victims who will be sacrificed in the process.” 

Quiet Cut Backs: An unofficial vasectomy ban has swept through China. The procedure is not available to unmarried men and at some hospitals it isn’t available at all. Most likely, this move is part of the CCP’s new mission to increase the devastatingly low birth rate. 


UN Misdeeds  

Targeting Babies with Down Syndrome: Iceland’s eradication of unborn babies with Down Syndrome was waved through by the UN Human Rights Body. As Dr. Rebecca Oas explains, in Iceland nearly 100% of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted. 


Science Gone Mad 

Donations from the Euthanized: Last year, seven euthanized Spaniards had their organs donated, despite there being no national guidelines for this practice. If this behavior becomes normalized, there may be a danger of motivating individuals to end their lives “for the good of others.”  

Transitioning More Accessible: The Biden administration is pushing for more insurance companies to cover transgender related surgeries for people of all ages. A proposed update to the Affordable Care Act would deem these surgeries “medically necessary” for anyone wanting to identify as a different sex.   

“The crazed sexual libertines not only want to impose their perversions on children,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “They want you and I to pay for unnatural hormone and surgical treatments for children suffering from what are obviously psychological disorders. Teenage angst is no reason to undergo lifechanging, irreversible surgery. The Left calls it ‘gender reassignment surgery,’ which is a double lie, since one’s sex (not gender) is ‘assigned’ at conception and cannot be changed.” 


Pro-Life Around the World 

Allowing Infanticide: The Inter-American Court of Human Rights has compelled El Salvador to revise its abortion and infanticide laws. This move stemmed from the court blaming the strict abortion laws for indirectly causing a homicide.  

U.K. Withdraws Death Amendment: The House of Lords has withdrawn the amendment that would have introduced assisted suicide within the Health and Care Bill. This move came after much debate over the substantial issues of euthanasia and palliative care.  


Pro-Life on the Home Front 

Defender of Abortion: The White House released a joint statement from President Biden and Vice President Harris on the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Yet, the word “abortion” was completely avoided, a fact that did not go unnoticed by pro-abortion advocates.  

The Role of Men: According to a recently-released CareNet study, men play a critical role in their partner’s decision to have an abortion. The study found that among couples who had gone through with an abortion, 74% of the men had discussed the possibility of abortion with their pregnant partners and 43% of these men advocated for the abortion. 

“A man doesn’t have to urge his wife to end her pregnancy and send her to the abortionist,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “Simply being indifferent to the fact that she is carrying new life—as nearly one-third of men admit—is enough to create the feeling that her husband is abandoning her in her moment of crisis. If he doesn’t love the unborn child that they created together and offer his love and protection, then she loses hope as well and ends her pregnancy.” 

Expanding Abortion Access: The Biden administration’s Department of Health and Human Services announced a new task force focused on expanding reproductive healthcare. This includes increasing abortion access “across government agencies.” Positioned as a direct response to the potential overturn of Roe v. Wade, the task force could become a method to bypass pro-life state laws.  


Good News 

Catholic Cop Wins: A police officer suspended for praying outside an abortion clinic while off-duty has won his case. Officer Matthew Schrenger was praying for the annual 40 Days for Life vigil, and was suspended and investigated as a result. He has been given a $75,000 settlement as recompense for this treatment.  


Quote of the Week 

“Do not pray for easy lives; pray to be stronger people. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers; pray for powers equal to your tasks.” 

~Bl. Solanus Casey, source

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