PRI Insider (Volume 2, Issue 40) October 21

In This Issue: 

  • Pro-Life on the Home Front 
    • Chemical Devastation 
    • Punishing Pro-Life Activists 
    • Biden’s Desperate Measures 
    • A Visit from Cardinal Müller 


A Note for Tomorrow’s Feast Day 

With Pope Saint John Paul II’s Feast Day tomorrow, October 22, we at PRI pray for his intercession in our mission and are inspired by his own faith-filled dedication to the protection of life.  

“The great Father Paul Marx, who was my mentor, was greatly inspired in his pro-life work by the encouragement of Saint Pope John Paul II,” recounts PRI President Steven Mosher.  “Father Marx traveled to Rome to meet with the Polish Pope early in his pontificate.  Upon being introduced to Father Marx, the Pope asked, with a twinkle in his eye, ‘Are you related to Karl?’  ‘Only through Adam and Eve,’ Father Marx responded.  They both laughed.   

“Father Marx then went on to tell the Pope about pro-life work that he was engaged in around the world,” Mosher continued.  “The Pope listened intently and then said, with great emphasis, ‘You are doing the most important work on earth.’  Father always took those words from the Sainted Pope as both a blessing and a mandate.  He passed them on to me and, really, to all who are engaged in the great battle of the present age between the forces of Life and the forces of death.” 


PRI in the Media 

Invitation Rescinded: PRI President Steven Mosher was set to appear on Fox Business this past week, but these plans changed after he shared his talking points for the show. He firmly believes that Republicans have a chance at 30 houses in the House after the upcoming midterms, more generous than the Fox news poll stating it would only be 15, and why this is the case. For this opinion, he was informed that he was no longer needed for the show.  

Buffet Bails: Warren Buffet, the so-called Oracle of Omaha, is quietly pulling out of his Chinese investments and one should wonder why. PRI President Steven Mosher shares the potential reasons behind Buffet’s decision, which include China’s floundering economy and U.S. policy.  

Vatican Deal Extended: The Sino-Vatican agreement has been renewed for another two years. An Italian news outlet shared yesterday that the confidential deal that has harmed countless Catholic Chinese in the past four years will continue until 2024 at least. 


COVID Controversy 

Miscarriage Up, Fertility Down: Doctors clash as more stats related to fertility post-vaccination emerge. Dr. Kimberly Bliss shared that miscarriages are up 50% while fertility is down an equal amount. But Dr. Eric Topol, an “expert on the COVID vaccine,” claimed there is no connection there.   


Deepening Depopulation 

Teenage Expectations: A nationally representative study from the National Survey of Family Growth showcased teenagers’ ideas about the future regarding living situations, marriage, and children. It is a sign of the times that while the majority want to one day marry and have children, a similar majority expect to cohabit at some point. 


Communist China 

A New Plan for Religion: During his first two terms, Xi Jinping allowed Christianity to continue in China so long as it served as pro-CCP propaganda. Now, with the new five-year plan, the CCP will infect the Church even further, down to the sermons preached at the pulpit.  

PRI President Steven Mosher says, “The new ‘5-Year Plan for Promoting the Sinicization of Christianity’ means ‘more standardized sermons to be preached in all churches to help Christians ‘unite more closely around the CCP & Comrade Xi.’ Xi will soon declare that he, like Nero, is divine.” 


UN Misdeeds 

The Link Between Evils: As part of the Holy See delegation, Monsignor Robert Murphy denounced abortion, pornography, and surrogacy in front of the UN’s third committee. Murphy defended the rights and safety of children born and unborn to the committee, which was set to debate children’s rights. 


Science Gone Mad 

Medical Minor Abuse: Georgetown University is pushing gender ideology onto their medical students, claiming that the only way to help transgender individuals is to “fix their bodies.” These students are taught how to “administer puberty blockers and hormone therapy to minors” as part of the curriculum.   


Pro-Life Around the World  

Pro-Abortion Appointee: This past Saturday the Pontifical Academy for Life announced Pope Francis’ choices for “Ordinary Academicians” at the PAL. One of these individuals, Mariana Mazzucato, was a shocking choice for she is both pro-abortion and a self-proclaimed atheist.    

PRI President Steven Mosher says, “Yet more evidence that the Vatican has lost its way. Mazzucato is pro-abortion, a climate activist, & disparaged Internet innovators as ‘young white men’ while encouraging collectivism and statismall things that stifle, rather than promote, innovation.” 

European Court Errs: The European Court of Human Rights sided with a pro-abortion extremist and suspended the prison sentence she received, claiming that her actions fall under freedom of expression. The feminist activist entered a Catholic church to expose herself and shock the churchgoers with radical abortion slogans painted across her body. She was escorted out and justly sentenced but is no longer required to take her punishment.   

A Divisive Resolution: The 52nd General Assembly of the Organization of American States saw the adoption of a radical resolution at the beginning of this month. The resolution was designed for the “Promotion and Protection of Human Rights,” but focused heavily on codifying abortion and gender ideology as human rights.  


Pro-Life on the Home Front 

Chemical Devastation: The work of the organization, Support After Abortion, demonstrates that chemical abortions are even more devastating for women than surgical abortions, in terms of both the physical and the emotional trauma.  And the number of chemical abortions is growing rapidly, now comprising over 50% of American abortions. 

“As the pro-abortion movement starts pushing abortion pills across state borders, especially into the growing number of states which ban most or all abortions, pro-lifers must sound the alarm about this dangerous practice,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.   

Punishing Pro-Life Activists: A pro-life father was arrested while getting ready to take his kids to school on charges related to the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. Paul Vaughn is the eleventh pro-lifer to be targeted for violating the FACE act just this month. He, along with six others, face additional charges for supposed “conspiracy against rights secured by the FACE Act.”   

Biden’s Desperate Measures: During his remarks on Tuesday, Biden chose codifying abortion as the issue he’d use to boost votes during the upcoming midterms. With a lack of successes in the past two years, this was an unsurprising last-ditch effort to garner public favor.     

A Visit from Cardinal Müller: German Cardinal Gerhard Müller visited the home of Mark Houck and his family to show solidarity with the persecuted pro-lifer. The Cardinal condemned the arrest and described Houck as, “a peaceful father defending his son, defending the right of life of the babies.”  

“Massive early morning raids on critics of the regime, terrorizing ordinary people–including childrenwith weapons drawn, scowling faces, and shouted commands,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “These are all familiar to me from the tactics of the Chinese Communist police.  Like Cardinal Mueller, I never thought I would see them used against peaceful pro-life protesters in the U.S.  The good Cardinal is right, this administration has greatly reduced America’s standing in the world as a beacon of freedom and liberty.” 


Good News 

Pregnant Mother Saves: Hours before giving birth, a pregnant Maryland firefighter saved a woman trapped in an overturned car. The mother, Megan Warfield, was a passenger involved in the multi-car crash, but immediately rushed to the aid of a fellow crash victim. She “went above and beyond the call of duty,” and thankfully gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Charlotte.  


Quote of the Week 

“Even in the midst of difficulties and uncertainties, every person sincerely open to truth and goodness can, by the light of reason and the hidden action of grace, come to recognize in the natural law written in the heart the sacred value of human life from its very beginning until its end, and can affirm the right of every human being to have this primary good respected to the highest degree.” 

~Pope Saint John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae 


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