PRI Insider (Volume 2, Issue 36) September 23

In This Issue: 

  • PRI in the Media 
    • COVID Coverup Continues 
    • Fact Checkers Lose 
    • Viruses in our Minds 
    • Ignoring True Imperialism 
    • Going Against Nature 

PRI in the Media 

COVID Coverup Continues: The Lancet Commission, set up two years ago to investigate the origins of the coronavirus, finally released its report. The results were a disappointing refusal to specifically pinpoint whether the virus was man-made or from nature. PRI President Steven Mosher points out that this “weak-sauce conclusion” actually aids China’s disinformation campaign aimed at blaming U.S. labs for the virus.   

Fact Checkers Lose: One of the loudest voices demanding the censorship of PRI President Steven Mosher in 2020 has been revealed to be a compromised source. Prominent Virologist Danielle Anderson brazenly condemned Mosher’s theory that the virus leaked from a lab. But it has come to light that Anderson was deeply involved in the gain-of-function research that may have led to COVID’s initial outbreak.   

Viruses in our Minds: The U.S. has come a long way since 2020, abandoning the COVID policy that did more harm than help. But PRI President Steven Mosher emphasizes that one worry remains: censorship on social media. He states, “Americans should be just as afraid of collusion between Big Government and Big Tech as they were of COVID back in the spring of 2020.  Such collusion provides endless opportunities to plant destructive viruses in our minds.”  

El artículo está disponible en Español aquí y aquí también.  

Ignoring True Imperialism: Leftists cheered the death of Queen Elizabeth II, celebrating the end of a “violent imperial reign.” But Casey Chalk points out the irony of these individuals claiming “pain” over past imperialism, while they ignore the current totalitarian regime committing atrocities in China today. Citing PRI President Steven Mosher’s book Bully of Asia, Chalk describes the egregious attitudes and abuses committed by the CCP. 

Going Against Nature: Deputies of the National People’s Congress of China announced a proposal to eliminate all mosquitoes in the country. This hubris matches that of Mao when he attempted to eliminate sparrows, mosquitoes, flies, and rats, which directly led to mass starvation.  


Deepening Depopulation 

Constant Fear Tactics: For decades the Left has not only lived in fear but embraced fear as their rallying cry. Gathering the masses becomes easy when fear propaganda over the incoming apocalypse is used. But while citizens may truly believe the causes they are indoctrinated into, Leftist leaders take advantage of a crisis’s ability to justify more centralized government and more power.  

“From Global Cooling and the ‘Hole in the Ozone’ in the late eighties to Global Warming and rising sea levels in the decades since then, the Progressives are always busy cooking up one scary story after another,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “The biggest one of all, of course, is overpopulation, which has been around for almost as long as I’ve been alive. Their purpose, to anyone paying attention, is obvious: to frighten the population into voting for those who perpetrate this fraud so they can pretend to save us from it.” 

Overpopulation Claims: Egyptian media outlets are claiming that the country is overpopulated and the Egyptian government seems to agree. Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Madbouly renewed the calls for a two-child policy, claiming it would only be a temporary measure.  


Communist China 

Cardinal Zen’s Trial: Hong Kong’s Cardinal Zen was set to go to trial this week, but due to COVID-19 it was pushed to September 26th. The trial has been gaining attention around the world, but the Vatican has been remarkably silent, drawing criticism. When asked directly whether Cardinal Zen’s trial violated religious freedom, Pope Francis chose to respond indirectly by discussing the “Chinese mentality.”  

“The Vatican’s marginalizing of Cardinal Zen is troubling,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “Here you have one of the Church’s senior cardinalsits resident expert on all things Chinesebeing left undefended as he faces trial at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party.  The Pope’s recent remarks follow in his refusal to meet the Cardinal two years ago in Rome send a signal to Beijing that it, and not the Vatican, can set the terms of the Sino-Vatican Agreement.” 

The Sandwich Generation: The first generation born under the old one-child policy face difficulty today as they are torn between caring for their parents and their children (or more accurately, child). Once known as the “little emperors” for all the attention these only children received, they are now paying the price for the CCP’s horrendous population policy as the most burdened generation. China has over 170 million of these “sandwich generation” families, radically changing society in the entire country.  


UN Misdeeds 

UN Attacks America: The UN Czar for homosexual and transgender ideology used his latest human rights report to attack the U.S. Supreme Court and Americans who support life and family. The report attacked the overturn of Roe v. Wade, as detrimental to the LGBT community. This piled onto the current trend of attacking the Dobbs decision, labeling America as discriminatory and even racist for the overturn. 


Science Gone Mad 

Promising Better Babies: A controversial embryo test is being implemented in IVF clinics around the world, including in the U.S. and Brazil. Pre-implantation genetic testing for polygenic conditions (PGT-P) screens embryos for their risk of developing conditions including cancers, heart disorders, diabetes, and schizophrenia. Researchers warn that the tests are weak and easily misinterpreted, while bioethicists continue to share their wariness over the ethical implications. 


Pro-Life Around the World  

For Life and Family: Around 10,000 people came to march in Poland’s National March for Life and Family last Sunday. The theme of the march was “I Promise You,” calling to mind the significance and importance of marital vows. Many also carried signs bearing pro-life slogans, like the following: “Life is beautiful,” “May children live,” “I choose life,” or “Fatherhood begins at conception. Equal responsibility. Equal rights.”  

Warned for Being Pro-Life: Member of Scottish Parliament John Mason was issued an official warning for sharing his pro-life views and supporting the right to advocate for life outside of abortion clinics. The warning conveyed the disappointment of party whips and accused Mason of traumatizing women and sharing misinformation.  


Pro-Life on the Home Front 

In response to WV’s abortion ban, reported on in last week’s Insider, PRI President Steven Mosher stated the following:  

“On Friday, September 17, 2022, West Virginia’s Governor, Jim Justice, signed into law a pro-life bill that protects innocent unborn children. Both the Governor and the state legislature, which came back into session in order to pass this pro-life bill, are to be congratulated.  With the closure of West Virginia’s last abortuary, the state now joins 13 other states in being completely free of killing centers.  To the citizens of West Virginia, I say, ‘Well done!’” 

Trump Defends Life: Trump came out boldly with his pro-life stance at his rally in Youngstown, Ohio. In his straightforward manner, he called out Tim Ryan for supporting taxpayer-funded late-term abortion up until the moment of birth.  

“Donald Trump is hammering the Democrats on abortion in every speech he gives,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “Pro-lifers must never forget that the only reason that Roe v. Wade was overturned was that the President put three stalwart pro-lifers on the Supreme Court.  Over a hundred thousand babies will be saved this year alone.” 

A National Ban: Senator Lindsey Graham introduced an act that would ban abortion after fifteen weeks nationwide. The Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act is based on the reality that babies in-utero can feel pain at 15 weeks (though some scientists say the nervous system may function as early as 12 weeks). Pro-Life leaders supported Graham’s Act as the “bare minimum protection” for unborn babies. 


Good News 

1st March Post-Roe: Several thousand people attended the second annual Pennsylvania March for Life in Harrisburg this past week. This was the first state march since the Dobbs decision and was met with huge success. The attendees represent the passion that is still behind the pro-life movement, showing the fire for life has only grown since the overturn.  

“The pro-life movement needs to organize marches in all 50 state capitals,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “In those which have banned all or most abortions, these will be celebratory. In those which haven’t, they will be a warning to politicians to protect the innocent unborn.”


Quote of the Week 

“Each day children, born and unborn, migrants and elderly persons, are discarded. Many brothers and sisters die sacrificed on the altar of profit, amid indifference. Yet every human being is sacred. It is the task of religions to remind the world of this!” 

~Pope Francis, source 

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