PRI Insider (Volume 2, Issue 18) May 20

In This Issue:  

  • PRI in the Media 
    • Cardinal Condemned 
    • A Stolen Election 
    • COVID-Zero Commentary 
  • Pro-Life Around the World 
    • Another Signature 
    • Planned Parenthood Lies 
    • Increasing Abortion Access 
    • Births in Ukraine  


PRI in the Media 

Cardinal Condemned: Catholic leaders around the world are outraged over the arrest of Cardinal Joseph Zen by CCP policemen. The 90-year-old cardinal was accused of “colluding with foreign forces,” through his role with the 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund. Though he was released on bail, this event has sparked loud protest against the continuation of the Sino-Vatican agreement. PRI President Steven Mosher was referenced as one such voice for his attitude as follows:  

“The great Cardinal Zen is a heroic figure to the people of Hong Kong & an inspiration to Catholics in China and around the world. His arrest means that Hong Kong is now a bona fide police state. Will Pope Francis finally speak out against the persecution of Catholics in China?” 

A Stolen Election: In the newly released documentary “2000 Mules,” Dinesh D’Souza exposes compelling evidence of widespread voter fraud surrounding the 2020 election, turning the tides in favor of Joe Biden.  Millions of viewers, including PRI President Steven Mosher, are paying attention, even as major media outlets decidedly ignore the evidence. 

COVID-Zero Commentary: The “Covid Zero” strategy in China continues to bring with it a host of negative effects. These include lack of medical care, overcrowded quarantine camps, and food shortages. According to PRI President Steven Mosher, these horrible conditions are motivating Chinese citizens to resist the CCP through riots. 


Deepening Depopulation 

A Social Emergency: Pope Francis continues to emphasize the importance of the falling birth rates in Western countries. At a recent meeting titled “The General State of the Birth Rate,” the Holy Father called this issue both a “social emergency” and “tragic poverty.”  

“Pope Francis rightly points out many peoples in Europe and elsewhere are not replacing themselves,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “What is needed in response are not more government-run daycares, however, but a fundamental restructuring of the tax code.  Young couples who are willing to have children should be sheltered not just from some, but from all taxes as they provide for the future of their countries in the most fundamental way, by having and raising children.” 

Japan in the Spotlight: Elon Musk is calling out demographic deficits again. In response to the latest population data from Japan, Musk tweeted, “At the risk of stating the obvious, unless something changes to cause the birth rate to exceed the death rate, Japan will eventually cease to exist. This would be a great loss for the world.”  


Communist China  

The Last Generation: In an act of passive resistance, Chinese youth are referring to themselves as “the last generation.” The term went viral after a young Chinese man was recorded telling CCP officers that there would be no generations after him. Though the phrase is the latest target of CCP censorship, it continues to spread among Chinese citizens.  

“Two years of Covid lockdowns—along with the threat of even tighter controls if the pandemic returns—have given Americans a small taste of what ordinary life is like in China,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “The Chinese people are now living in the world’s first, real-life, digital dictatorship.  We must ensure that, whether under the guise of ‘The Great Reset,’ or ‘combating misinformation,’ that it never comes here.” 


Pro-Life Around the World  

Another Signature: Applauded by the Institute for Women’s Health, Colombia is the latest country to sign the Geneva Consensus Declaration. The GCD coalition now boasts 37 members, all committed to uplifting women, family, and life. 

Planned Parenthood Lies: A Salvadoran medical expert has denounced claims about abortion in El Salvador made by Planned Parenthood’s director of news. These lies included horror stories of women imprisoned for abortions and miscarriages for sentences of up to 35 years. Yet, since 2013 no women have served jail time for abortion and maternal mortality has declined since pro-life legislation was put in place. 

Increasing Abortion Access: Spain is planning to liberalize abortion access. The country’s latest bill seeks to guarantee abortion access, impose sexual education in early childhood, and make contraceptives free at schools and universities. Although the bill is anti-surrogacy and would improve maternity leave, the negative aspects greatly outweigh the positive ones.  

Births in Ukraine: In the midst of war, hundreds of women in Ukraine are giving birth to their babies in reinforced shelters. The Lviv maternity hospital has been life-saving for mothers and babies forced to flee their homes.  


Pro-Life on the Home Front 

Trans Refuge Bill: 2021 may have been a record-breaking year for anti-transgender legislation, but New York is looking to go against the tide. The state assembly is currently working on a “trans refuge” bill. It promotes gender-affirming care for locals and visitors, and makes it illegal to separate children from guardians that allow their minors to undergo hormone treatments and/or surgeries.  

Pro-Death Promotion: California Governor Gavin Newsom has gone all-in on promoting and funding abortion in his state. At the beginning of the year, he promised $68 million in state funds for abortion, and last week announced another $57 million. The funds are focused on aborting the babies of low-income women and subsidizing pro-abortion activism.  


Good News 

A Little Fighter: Another preemie baby defied the odds after being given only a 25% chance of survival. Elsie Hampton was born at 23-weeks gestation, weighing just over 1 pound and so small that her hand was the size of her father’s fingernail. After 70 days of being on life support, she was able to be taken home by her parents. 


Quote of the Week 

“Who are we to decide on the life of another person? A society that does not protect life in all its stages dies little by little. Let us be profoundly human and not extinguish life.” 

~Cardinal Juan Jose Omella, source 

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