PRI Insider (Volume 2, Issue 15) April 22

In This Issue:  

  • PRI in the Media 
    • Catholics in China 
    • No Tolerance in Shanghai 
    • The Totalitarian Regime 
    • The Coming Crisis 


PRI in the Media 

Catholics in China: Since the signing of the Sino-Vatican Agreement, the situation of Catholicism in China has deteriorated. Over the past four years, the CCP has stunted the progression of the divine mission of the Catholic Church. Instead, they attempt to use religious groups for their atheistic purposes.  

No Tolerance in Shanghai: The CCP’s zero-tolerance COVID policy is harming more people than it is saving in Shanghai. PRI President Steven Mosher joined Fox & Friends to describe this shocking treatment of the Chinese people, which masquerades under the guise of protection. Xi Jinping saw an opportunity to control Shanghai and took it, locking down 25 million citizens. 

The Totalitarian Regime: PRI President Steven Mosher spoke on the Geopolitics & Empire podcast, delving into the CCP’s past and present. China has been a perpetrator of totalitarianism for thousands of years. Today, their control tactics include putting pressure on Taiwan, enforcing a zero-tolerance COVID policy, and a social credit system.   

The Coming Crisis: Saskatchewan Pro-Life welcomed PRI President Steven Mosher as the first speaker for their 2022 convention. Delving into China’s history of population control, Mosher warned of the coming demographic winter. This is not only China’s future, though they greatly accelerated it for themselves, but the world’s future. All countries are experiencing below replacement-level fertility rates, besides parts of sub-Saharan Africa.  


Deepening Depopulation 

Growing Up Lonely: According to the Institute for Family Studies, Generation Z is growing up lonelier than previous generations. While some blame delaying marriage or social media exposure, the root of this issue is found in upbringing. Most of Generation Z has been raised in single-parent homes, alongside few siblings (if any). This loneliness carries over into adulthood, especially for those that do not go to college or participate in a religious institution.    


Communist China  

Interest in Emigration: The Chinese people are losing their passports all across the country, into the hands of CCP officials. As the people search for a way to escape the nightmare they are living in, the CCP is destroying any hope of emigration.  

Death by Organ Removal: An Australian researcher has found evidence of malpractice in Chinese medical journals. These journals suggest that some organ donors were not actually dead prior to their organ removal. Instead, these patients were subjected to death by organ removal. Their heart or lungs were removed before they were brain dead, thus killing them. 


UN Misdeeds  

Feminist Threats: A feminist group threatened pro-life and pro-family organizations during a United Nations meeting. The Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) called for the “hunting down and expelling” of any groups that they perceive as anti-rights. AWID has insulted these organizations for a decade, but this was the first instance of outright threats.  

Unintended Pregnancies: According to the UNFPA, unintended pregnancy is a global crisis. In a recent report, they claimed that almost half of all pregnancies are unintended. The UN agency claims that this is a failure to support women’s rights and is using these statistics as justification for more contraceptives around the world.  


Science Gone Mad 

Death in the Netherlands: With each new generation, euthanasia becomes a more and more acceptable way out of life. This is the case in the Netherlands, where the number of deaths by assisted suicide bumped up 10.5% between 2020 and 2021.  

IVF Baby Aborted: As a result of yet another case of embryo mix-up, a Manhattan couple aborted the child they were carrying at 6-months gestation for not being genetically theirs. The wrong embryos had been implanted, which is not an uncommon occurrence in the unregulated fertility industry. Despite claiming to love the child already, the couple chose abortion, justifying it by citing their fears of losing the child later in life to her biological parents.   


Pro-Life Around the World  

All-Time Low: The number of abortions in Germany has hit a record low for this millennia. At the turn of the century, the number of abortions was 130,000. Last year they were down to 94,596. This is also a 5.4% decrease between 2021 and 2020.  


Pro-Life on the Home Front 

Conscience Rule Scrapped: The Biden administration is set to end the Trump-era “conscience rule.” The rule, finalized in 2019, allowed religious individuals to not support medical procedures that they fundamentally disagreed with. Losing this rule would further dismantle the legacy of freedom that Trump tried to institute.   

“The Biden Administration will not be content until they drive pro-life doctors and nurses out of the medical field altogether,” says PRI President Steven Mosher. “If you don’t endorse their views—on abortion, on gender, on Covid, or whatever it may be—they want to punish you.  This is the behavior of tyrants.” 

Override in Kentucky: Kentucky’s legislature overrode Governor Beshear’s veto of the latest pro-life law. The law institutes a 15-week rule for abortions, along with additional rules and regulations for abortion facilities. It also prohibits mail-order abortions. Though the law does not ban abortions nor mandate the closure of abortion centers, Kentucky’s only two facilities have ceased performing abortions.  

“Pro-lifers across America are praying that the current battle to protect the lives of unborn babies results in the overturning of Roe v. Wade,” says PRI President Steven Mosher.  “I think that this is the most likely outcome, since the Supreme Court justices who respect the law actually outnumber left-wing ideologues two to one.” 


Good News 

Family of Thousands: The story of Charles Mulli is one that shows God has a plan. Orphaned at the age of 6 and hopeless at 16, Mulli’s life was changed when he found Christ. He went on to become the founder of an orphanage, the Mully Children’s Family. The program has helped thousands of children and continues to do so today.  

Quote of the Week 

“Jesus, the Risen Lord, loves us without limits and is there at every moment of our lives.  Having made himself present in the heart of our world, he invites us to overcome barriers, banish prejudices and draw near to those around us every day in order to rediscover the grace of everyday life.” 

~Pope Francis, source 

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