New Study Links Abortion and Pre-Term Births

A study featured in the National
Vital Statistics Reports, a publication
of the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services, showed
that, across all age groups, non-Hispanic
black women experienced significantly
more pre-term births than their white
and Hispanic counterparts. In America,
the abortion rate among black women is
nearly five times that of white women,
and double that of Hispanic women.

That the pre-term birth rates are
higher among black women in the U.S.
is consistent with a 2009 study published
in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
in which data from 37 studies
was analyzed, finding that having a prior
abortion increased the risk of subsequent
preterm birth by 35 percent, while having
more than one prior abortion increased
the risk by 93 percent. A similar study
performed in Germany in 2008, in which
30 years of data were analyzed, showed
that one prior abortion increased the risk
of very preterm birth (32-34 weeks) by
30%, and multiple prior abortions pushed
that risk up to 90%.

See the source: “Abortion Linked to Preterm
Birth, But Why Aren’t Women Being Told?,”
Right Side News November 26, 2010,

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