For the Record …: Reaction to the PRI’s Evidence Against UNFPA

“The House International Relations Committee will attempt…to restore funding to the UNFPA .… Sarah Craven, a spokeswoman for the UNFPA,…is hopeful the United States will restore the funding.

“But Steven Mosher of the Population Research Institute said funding UNFPA is a bad idea.

“‘They’ve been involved in China’s “one child” policy from the beginning.’ Mosher said. ‘This is a policy that involves forced abortion, forced sterilization and forced contraception. It’s one that the American people would not want us to be funding and that the Bush administration has made a very wise decision not to fund.’”

Keith Peters, “New Effort to Fund UNFPA in Offing,” Family News in Focus, 29 June 2004

“As the time for President Bush to decide whether…to fund the…UNFPA nears, increased publicity supporting the UNFPA has been observed by the Population Research Institute (PRI).

“‘A storm of pro-UNFPA propaganda has suddenly been unleashed, with articles appearing in The New York Times, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and other media outlets in recent days,’ said Steven W. Mosher, president of PRI.

“Mosher explains that the ‘sudden flurry of activity’ is due to an amendment population-control sympathizers in Congress will offer on July 9 to reinstate U.S. funding of the UNFPA.

“‘This misbegotten amendment would put the U.S. back in the abortion business, even in China, where women have no right to refuse,’ said Mosher. ‘It should be opposed.’ … .

“‘For 25 years the UNFPA has been the chief international cheerleader for China’s one-child policy, lavishing upwards of $200 million in funding on the program, and bestowing prestigious awards on its architects,’ said Mosher.

“‘How can an agency that calls itself pro-choice, that brags about promoting “reproductive rights,” justify involvement with a government that sterilizes and aborts women against their will, and usurps the right of parents to determine the number and spacing of their children,’ Mosher explained.

“Mosher adds that PRI has investigated some of the programs the UNFPA is supporting, and discovered several human rights abuses.

“‘Since 1998 the UN Population Fund has run “model family planning programs” in 32 Chinese counties .… ’

“PRl’s investigation of these programs revealed young women being ordered in for forced abortions, women facing arrest for the ‘crime’ of being pregnant without permission, and homes destroyed for refusing to comply with abortion or sterilization orders.”

Paul Nowak, “Lobbying For Congressional Vote on UNFPA-Abortion Funding Heats Up,”, 2 July 2004

“…An… investigation… provided evidence the UNFPA was helping in China’s program. A team from the Population Research Institute, an American pro-life organization, cited witnesses who had described the family planning in a UNFPA-run program as involuntary. Coercion, in the form of not only sterilization and abortion but imprisonment and property destruction, existed in the UNFPA program, according to the report.”

Tom Strode, “House panel rejects restoring aid to U.N. family planning fund,” Baptist Press, 13 July 2004

“…[W]hen Bush decided to withhold …$34 million…to the UNFPA… [Jane] Roberts and [Lois] Abraham launched a grassroots effort to raise money and rally support for the agency…

“But an obscure extremist group in Front Royal called the Population Research Institute claimed UNFPA was involved in forced abortions and sterilizations in China, and those spurious charges became Bush’s justification for making us the first country ever to withhold funds from UNFPA for political reasons.

“Although PRI claims to be a human-rights group, its real agenda is to eliminate international family-planning programs, which it says ‘have outlived whatever usefulness they may once have possessed’ and ‘should be abolished.’…”

Rick Mercier, “UNFPA is a Necessary Agency that all Americans Should Support,”, 30 July 2004

(Editors Note: We are obviously not so “obscure” as to escape the wrath of the population controllers who, unable to refute our charges, resort to calling us names.)

“Compelling new evidence has just emerged implicating… UNFPA in China’s vicious one-child policy. The evidence was… released by the Population Research Institute (PRI) of Front Royal…

“The PRI Weekly Briefing of July 6, 2004, cites ‘Directive No. 43 of the Jieshi Party Committee, dated 26 August 2003’ reporting that, ‘[The directive] announces the beginning of the “Autumn 2003 Planned Births Campaign,” and lays out an incredibly detailed plan — complete with quotas for abortions — for its prosecution…’

“PRl says, ‘What does all this have to do with the UN Population Fund? A lot .… In recent years the UNFPA has defended… involvement in the one-child policy on the grounds that China is gradually moving away from forced abortion by quota to a system of fines based on the “social cost” of additional children …’”

John Mallon, “Who Really Cares for Women’s Lives?,” Commentary, 22 July 2004

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